PowerPod showing extremely high wattage numbers midway through rides.

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PowerPod showing extremely high wattage numbers midway through rides.

Post by BBQcyclist »

Dear John,

I have 3 Powerpods.
One of them is showing extremely high wattage numbers midway through rides. As high as 2-3000 or more watts!
Have tried resetting back to factory condition and re-calibrating it several times with the out and back rides.
No, the handlebar, or the PP mount is not moving during rides.
Yes, sometimes it shows what seem to be valid wattages, then for no apparent reason, wattage goes up astronomically high, for 5-10-15 minutes at a time.
No, this does not happen only during the first 8 minutes of a ride, it happens even an hour or 2 or 3 into my rides.

As you can understand, this is frustrating. I'm attaching 2 ride files, clearly showing the issue.

Please help,

Kind regards
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Velocomp CEO
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Re: PowerPod showing extremely high wattage numbers midway through rides.

Post by Velocomp »

Your accelerometer is misbehaving.

I would do a hard reset of the unit, then a new cal ride.

If that doesn't straighten things out then you can send it in for service, but I'm not confident we will be able to fix it.
John Hamann
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Re: PowerPod showing extremely high wattage numbers midway through rides.

Post by BBQcyclist »


"Your accelerometer is misbehaving.

I would do a hard reset of the unit, then a new cal ride.

If that doesn't straighten things out then you can send it in for service, but I'm not confident we will be able to fix it."

As explained in my message - I've already tried hard resetting several times, followed by the obligatory out-and-back calibration ride. The files sent were the latest ones - after doing all that.

So, what are my options, if I send my unit in and the accelerometer isn't fixable?

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Re: PowerPod showing extremely high wattage numbers midway through rides.

Post by Velocomp »

Please email technicalsupport@velocomp.com for next steps
John Hamann
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Re: PowerPod showing extremely high wattage numbers midway through rides.

Post by BBQcyclist »

Dear John,

I sent an email to the mail to: technicalsupport@velocomp.com address 1 week ago, but still no reply.

Plesse advise,
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Re: PowerPod showing extremely high wattage numbers midway through rides.

Post by BBQcyclist »


So, after contacting technical support and exchanging a few trouble-shooting emails back-forth, we have unfortunately ascertained that the Powerpod unit's accelerometer I was referring to in these posts, is broken and unfix-able because no more parts nor replacement units are available - or have been available for a while now. Too bad / so sad for me.

Today, I went for a quick ride outside (as it was unseasonably warm for Nov 16 here) - including about 450 meters of climbing/descending, using another bike - equipped with another Powerpod (version V5), which was calibrated twice (August and October). While riding, I noticed several times that the unit was showing very generous power numbers throughout the ride - by at least 1-200 watts or more. Even once while descending and I'd stopped pedaling, near the bottom of the descent, I turned the pedals only a few revolutions and the unit showed 300-400 watts!

I am now concerned that a similar defect is afflicting this newer unit - which was purchased directly from Velocomp in Florida, 15.5 months ago and has been barely used since, as I was using the other 2 Powerpod-equipped bikes I own.

I have attached today's ride file for your perusal and hopefully to help find out why the overly generous wattage numbers.

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Re: PowerPod showing extremely high wattage numbers midway through rides.

Post by Velocomp »

Things are OK. There is no problem with your accelerometer.

On downhills everything has to be in perfect balance in order to obtain around zero watts when soft pedaling.

In your case the wind calibration seems low (there is a near constant tail wind). This means that downhill gravity acceleration is not correctly offset by downhill wind forces. The result is high phantom watts.

You should do another cal ride when circumstances permit. Hopefully that will help things some. But the ultimate way to avoid phantom watts on downhills is to not pedal...
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John Hamann
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Re: PowerPod showing extremely high wattage numbers midway through rides.

Post by BBQcyclist »

Thanks for the swift reply.

1) No more pedalling ever on downhills (even slightly) if reliable and valid power numbers are expected.

2) Will try a 3rd calibration ride if weather permits - otherwise will leave it for next season.

3) Any good tips or hacks to help assures a *good* calibration ride? I ask, bc there are somewhat varying instructions out there - including your online versions vs a YouTube version you also have online.

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Re: PowerPod showing extremely high wattage numbers midway through rides.

Post by Velocomp »

If you're pedaling on a downhill because you are working hard to go even faster, then by all means pedal. Just be aware that, unless your unit is precisely calibrated, you may have inaccurate power readings. My experience, however, is that it is extremely difficult to pedal hard/fast enough to add much to downhill speed. Coasting is what most people do and in that event watts (0) will be accurate.

Your ride file shows a consistent tail wind; a sure indicator of a miscalibrated unit.

You can do a new cal ride and post the results here. Note that if your cal ride is good you should see average windspeed nearly the same as average bike speed.
John Hamann
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Re: PowerPod showing extremely high wattage numbers midway through rides.

Post by BBQcyclist »

"Your ride file shows a consistent tail wind; a sure indicator of a miscalibrated unit.

You can do a new cal ride and post the results here. Note that if your cal ride is good you should see average windspeed nearly the same as average bike speed."

Ok, thanks.

Any certain obvious tips on how to avoid such a "miscalibration" happening - when performing an out and back Powerpod calibration ride, please?

Velocomp CEO
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Re: PowerPod showing extremely high wattage numbers midway through rides.

Post by Velocomp »

BBQcyclist wrote: Mon Nov 20, 2023 2:44 pm "Your ride file shows a consistent tail wind; a sure indicator of a miscalibrated unit.

You can do a new cal ride and post the results here. Note that if your cal ride is good you should see average windspeed nearly the same as average bike speed."

Ok, thanks.

Any certain obvious tips on how to avoid such a "miscalibration" happening - when performing an out and back Powerpod calibration ride, please?

1) Ride solo; no drafting
2) Ride on a quiet road where you don't have lots of cars wizzing by
3) Try to find a route where you don't have to stop (except to turn around)
4) Avoid doing a cal ride on days when wind is high, or gusty

If you follow these tips you should get a good result.
John Hamann
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Re: PowerPod showing extremely high wattage numbers midway through rides.

Post by BBQcyclist »

Thank you. Will re-calib it in the spring.
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Re: PowerPod showing extremely high wattage numbers midway through rides.

Post by BBQcyclist »

Here we go again: It has started again (HIGH POWER READINGS MID-RIDE)


I had an older PP 2nd generation, which siht the bed late last fall - (Showing erratic, unreliable power data) and Velocomp ascertained that too bad, so sad, no can do any repairs on the unit, and also no buyer exchange/upgrade program available because all PPs and parts had been back-ordered for many months already - with no end in sight.

So - as a loyal customer who had bought 2 new extra PPs previously; I set up a new PP (version 5) from another bike onto my good bike - late last fall. This new PP V5 was UNFORTUNATELY also showing crazy high wattage numbers mid-ride! After posting my ride file here again, Velocomp suggested I do another out and back re-calibration ride, but by then it was too cold outside.
Velocomp had replied:
"Things are OK. There is no problem with your accelerometer.
On downhills everything has to be in perfect balance in order to obtain around zero watts when soft pedaling.
In your case the wind calibration seems low (there is a near constant tail wind). This means that downhill gravity acceleration is not correctly offset by downhill wind forces. The result is high phantom watts.
You should do another cal ride when circumstances permit. Hopefully that will help things some. But the ultimate way to avoid phantom watts on downhills is to not pedal.."

Therefore - Fast-forward to this spring. I finally re-performed the re-calib ride - as per your instructions - TO THE LETTER recently.

Things worked fine for a few rides, then yesterday, out of the blue, about 30 minutes or so into the ride, the PP V5 started showing CRAZY HIGH WATTS AGAIN.
Note: No bump, no crash, no turning of the handlebars within the stem, only 5-10 kph variable, light winds. Power remained artificially high during the whole ride. After the ride Garmin and Training Peaks congratulated me for an amazingly new, increased FTP and Threshold power LoL. :|

Wth?? Why, why, why? Needless to say - this device can get one on their nerves and, be pretty frustrating to use - without constant babysitting and time invested with tech support.

I have attached yesterday's (June 2nd) file, with the crazy, constantly high watt values, for your perusal.
I have also attached several earlier ride files (after the re-calib ride this spring) - when things seemed relatively fine (May 20 and 21).

Q/ Why, why why and What is happening?
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Re: PowerPod showing extremely high wattage numbers midway through rides.

Post by Velocomp »

I looked at your ride files.

Yes, there is a crazy problem in your 6/2 ride, but nothing in the raw data shows any problem with your sensor readings. There is some mysterious bug in your firmware...

My suggestion is to download new FW 10, available when you use the new Velocomp Aero app. This FW will work just fine with your PP. FW 10 has been rewritten extensively and hopefully your bug will disappear...

John Hamann
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Re: PowerPod showing extremely high wattage numbers midway through rides.

Post by BBQcyclist »


Downloaded the new Velocomp Aero software/app as well as the updated firmware as suggested. Will see how my device responds on my next ride outside.

Q/ Why is the firmware update (from 9.02 to 10 prompt hidden in a small box in right hand lower corer of thee app - instead of the normal position (under the SN and FW tab info on the upper Left corner of the app)? More long minutes wasted, trying to find the FW update location.

Took a few tries to fully install everything and update completely - including the drivers, onto a another, newer (Windows 11 computer).

As I said, am feeling no more love for PP - just too much hassles getting it to always work smoothly, everytime - without having to babysit it constantly.
Not to mention the convoluted, not user-friendly, old-school style app as well as the complicated out-and-back calibration ride process, necessitating a bunch of steps processed in order (eg. opening app, pairing sensors, pressing the one-button on the PP with the multiple functions, and the hard to see light and colour of light, and different diagnostic results depending on light colour and blinking or not)... then finding a relatively flat section of road - without traffic, not too much wind, where you can perform the 1-mile out and 1-mile back ride - without having to slow down for kids, or cars, etc, crossing the road!
Phew... This is CRAZY.

Then, to make matters worse - having to go through all this re-calibration process AGAIN - whenever the device is buggy - as per Velocomp suggetions.

However, am unfortunately too much invested in the PowerPod ecosystem at this point.
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Re: PowerPod showing extremely high wattage numbers midway through rides.

Post by lorduintah »

I dowloaded the new Velocomp Aero app. Installed version 10 or the firmware onto my PP - there happened to be two dialogs showing that the firmware could be installed - so I ran both -I think they both were doing the same thing. The interface has been cleaned up a bit and a few more little details added to look at instantaneous output markers,

Today I will ride and see if there is anything that version 10 affects.

It also looks like Velocomp application is still being built? No Analysis functions that I could find that would rework a calibration, route or windsepped.. - at least for a PP. Right ow it appears the it is there to install the firmware upgrade.

I did not do a device setup using this software.

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Re: PowerPod showing extremely high wattage numbers midway through rides.

Post by Velocomp »

BBQcyclist wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 10:45 am Hi,

Downloaded the new Velocomp Aero software/app as well as the updated firmware as suggested. Will see how my device responds on my next ride outside.

Q/ Why is the firmware update (from 9.02 to 10 prompt hidden in a small box in right hand lower corer of thee app - instead of the normal position (under the SN and FW tab info on the upper Left corner of the app)? More long minutes wasted, trying to find the FW update location.

Took a few tries to fully install everything and update completely - including the drivers, onto a another, newer (Windows 11 computer).

As I said, am feeling no more love for PP - just too much hassles getting it to always work smoothly, everytime - without having to babysit it constantly.
Not to mention the convoluted, not user-friendly, old-school style app as well as the complicated out-and-back calibration ride process, necessitating a bunch of steps processed in order (eg. opening app, pairing sensors, pressing the one-button on the PP with the multiple functions, and the hard to see light and colour of light, and different diagnostic results depending on light colour and blinking or not)... then finding a relatively flat section of road - without traffic, not too much wind, where you can perform the 1-mile out and 1-mile back ride - without having to slow down for kids, or cars, etc, crossing the road!
Phew... This is CRAZY.

Then, to make matters worse - having to go through all this re-calibration process AGAIN - whenever the device is buggy - as per Velocomp suggetions.

However, am unfortunately too much invested in the PowerPod ecosystem at this point.
1) VA is a new app. I understand (a bit) your frustration with the different interface; I spent about 30 minutes trying to find standard items in Windows 11 the first time I used it. If you had problems installing VA/Win I'd like to know more, so that we can improve.

2) I did not request that you do a new cal ride.

3) As I said previously, your bug is extremely mysterious. We have never seen it before. I'm sorry that you've had a problem but we can't fix a problem if we can't duplicate it.
John Hamann
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Re: PowerPod showing extremely high wattage numbers midway through rides.

Post by Velocomp »

lorduintah wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 12:26 pm I dowloaded the new Velocomp Aero app. Installed version 10 or the firmware onto my PP - there happened to be two dialogs showing that the firmware could be installed - so I ran both -I think they both were doing the same thing. The interface has been cleaned up a bit and a few more little details added to look at instantaneous output markers,

Today I will ride and see if there is anything that version 10 affects.

It also looks like Velocomp application is still being built? No Analysis functions that I could find that would rework a calibration, route or windsepped.. - at least for a PP. Right ow it appears the it is there to install the firmware upgrade.

I did not do a device setup using this software.

1) The analytical features center around CdA display and analysis.

2) You're correct that we haven't added-in some traditional Isaac stuff. If those things are important to you, Isaac is still there...
John Hamann
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Re: PowerPod showing extremely high wattage numbers midway through rides.

Post by BBQcyclist »

@Velocomp/John Hamann

1) VA is a new app. I understand (a bit) your frustration with the different interface; I spent about 30 minutes trying to find standard items in Windows 11 the first time I used it. If you had problems installing VA/Win I'd like to know more, so that we can improve.

2) I did not request that you do a new cal ride.
- - Correct - Not for this particular issue, but for past issues. As well as for other users

3) As I said previously, your bug is extremely mysterious. We have never seen it before. I'm sorry that you've had a problem but we can't fix a problem if we can't duplicate it.
John Hamann

- - This response - although may be logical for you - does not inspire confidence in the device (a V5 PP at that). I mean, you can clearly see that I am not making it up, beacause it clearly shows in the June 2nd ride file. So where does that leave me - as an owner of this device when the company/Velocomp states "I'm sorry that you've had a problem but we can't fix a problem if we can't duplicate it"??
Previously, I owned 4 PPs, now 3 devices - because the one you diagnosed in November as good as dead (aka too bad so sad), as it was rendering nonsensical data.
What is the life expectancy of these?
Several years ago I had to return a PP to Florida PP headquarters - on my dime - and pay for a refurbished one, after the warranty was over by a few months, because it refused to charge, as the old-style micro USB charging port was kaput, as per Velocomp's diagnosis.

Anyways, here we are:
Today I did a short, 12 kms ride - just to see how it (my PP V5) responded after the FW 10.0 update. Seemed much better and/or resolved; however, hard to tell, because on June 2nd, the high wattage issues began much later than only 12 kms into our ride. additionally, I'd read that the first 5-10 minutes of any bike rides, the PP's readings can be erratic until it settles down and not to consider those initial minutes of power data.

I've attached today's ride file - in case you can kindly have a look and be able to tell if the wattage reporting issue is now resolved - after the firmware update, or if I have to go on a much longer ride to really know - since my issue on June 2nd manifested itself well past the 12 kms mark, into our 75 km ride.

Thank you
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Velocomp CEO
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Re: PowerPod showing extremely high wattage numbers midway through rides.

Post by Velocomp »

BBQcyclist wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 9:47 pm @Velocomp/John Hamann

1) VA is a new app. I understand (a bit) your frustration with the different interface; I spent about 30 minutes trying to find standard items in Windows 11 the first time I used it. If you had problems installing VA/Win I'd like to know more, so that we can improve.

2) I did not request that you do a new cal ride.
- - Correct - Not for this particular issue, but for past issues. As well as for other users

3) As I said previously, your bug is extremely mysterious. We have never seen it before. I'm sorry that you've had a problem but we can't fix a problem if we can't duplicate it.
John Hamann

- - This response - although may be logical for you - does not inspire confidence in the device (a V5 PP at that). I mean, you can clearly see that I am not making it up, beacause it clearly shows in the June 2nd ride file! So where does that leave me - as an owner of this device when the company/Velocomp states "I'm sorry that you've had a problem but we can't fix a problem if we can't duplicate it"??
Previously, I owned 4 PPs, now 3 devices - because the one you diagnosed in November as good as dead (aka too bad so sad), as it was rendering nonsensical data.
What is the life expectancy of these?
Several years ago I had to return a PP to Florida PP headquarters - on my dime - and pay for a refurbished one, after the warranty was over by a few months, because it refused to charge, as the old-style micro USB charging port was kaput, as per Velocomp's diagnosis.

Anyways, here we are.
Today I did a short, 12 kms ride - just to see how it (my PP V5) responded after the FW 10.0 update. Seemed much better and/or resolved; however, hard to tell, because on June 2nd, the high wattage issues began much later than only 12 kms into our ride. additionally, I'd read that the first 5-10 minutes of any bike rides, the PP's readings can be erratic until it settles down and not to consider those initial minutes of power data.

I've attached today's ride file - in case you can kindly have a look and be able to tell if the wattage reporting issue is now resolved - after the firmware update, or if I have to go on a much longer ride to really know - since my issue on June 2nd manifested itself well past the 12 kms mark, into our 75 km ride.

Thank you
OK, I understand and respect your frustration, but there there needs to be some balance here:

1). ANY device that malfunctions does not inspire confidence. By that standard, however, I cannot think of a single product I have ever owned, over a 50 year period, in which I could have 100% confidence. Products are all creations of humans, and humans themselves are imperfect.

2) I completely agree your unit has a problem--I simply said that we haven't seen your problem before. We have tens of thousands of customers, and we have personally looked at (at least) 50,000 ride files, and have not seen this problem before. As I said, it is a mystery...

3) FW 10 is completely new: written by a different team, using a different development system. Some bugs were found in prior FW code--that is to be expected--and those bugs were fixed. Of course, some new bugs are possible in the new code, despite the fact we have tested it over the past 3 months. Time will tell if your bug is gone.

4) We have units in operation today that were built in 2007 (I know; occasionally I get ride files from these customers). I suspect, strongly, that no other power meter manufacturer can make that longevity claim, for the simple reason that their electromechanical parts eventually wear out. The most common cause of product failure for us is battery failure, which, as I am sure you know, is common to any rechargeable battery system.

5) I'm not sure what instructions you're reading, but many years ago we made changes that cut-down the beginning ride recalibration to about 90 seconds.

Your wind scaling is a bit low; I've attached a correct profile that you can load into your unit.
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John Hamann
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Re: PowerPod showing extremely high wattage numbers midway through rides.

Post by BBQcyclist »

Thank you for your reply.

Agreed, we need to indeed be a bit more balanced.

Thank you also for verifying the attached ride file and making an adjustment. Will load your modified file into my unit.
Just one (perhaps naive) question - how exactly do I "load" that .ibp file into my PP? Is there a quick how-to web-link, or is it a simple matter of 2-3 steps?

Kind regards,
Velocomp CEO
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Re: PowerPod showing extremely high wattage numbers midway through rides.

Post by Velocomp »

BBQcyclist wrote: Wed Jun 05, 2024 4:29 pm Thank you for your reply.

Agreed, we need to indeed be a bit more balanced.

Thank you also for verifying the attached ride file and making an adjustment. Will load your modified file into my unit.
Just one (perhaps naive) question - how exactly do I "load" that .ibp file into my PP? Is there a quick how-to web-link, or is it a simple matter of 2-3 steps?

Kind regards,
We're still learning some of the fine points of VA, so the safe thing to do is this:

1) Connect your unit to Isaac (make sure VA is not running)

2) Place your profile on your desktop

3). Double click it. This should load it into your unit, and you should get a confirming message.
John Hamann
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Re: PowerPod showing extremely high wattage numbers midway through rides.

Post by BBQcyclist »

Ok, Thank you
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