Question about data transmission

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Question about data transmission

Post by BillOsler »

I've been puzzling over something related to how CdA is managed between the Aeropod and the ConnectIQ applet.
If I am in Profile 4 and the Aeropod does not pair with my HRM then CdA data are stored in the HR channel in the Aeropod ... but CdA is also displayed by the ConnectIQ app on my Garmin.
If my Garmin IS paired with my HRM but the Aeropod is not then the Garmin presumably displays the HRM output in its HR datafield ... so where does the CdA data in the ConnectIQ app come from? Is it possible for ConnectIQ to monitor an "HRM" datastream from the Aeropod distinct from the HRM datastream from my actual HRM?
Velocomp CEO
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Re: Question about data transmission

Post by Velocomp »

Yikes! I need to parse your questions...

1) Yes, even if HR is paired to AP, CdA is stored in AP and displayed in Connect IQ app

2) If Garmin is paired to your HR strap, it will display and record your HR data.

3) Our Connect IQ app does not display HR data. That is a separate display field in your Garmin

4) The CdA data displayed in your Connect IQ app is the same as the CdA data stored in AP
John Hamann
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Re: Question about data transmission

Post by BillOsler »

Thanks. I assumed that the Garmin HR display was coming from the HRM ...
What has me puzzled is this:
Usually the Garmin connects to at most one data source for each type of datastream (HR, Power, Speed, Cadence) but if the Garmin gets HR data from the HRM and the Aeropod is transmitting CdA data as an Ant+ HR datastream (which is what I guess is going on) then how does the ConnectIQ app manage to get any "Ant+ heartrate" data containing the CdA information? That data channel is already in use by the HRM. So the ConnectIQ is able to collect data from the Aeropod's "heartrate" Ant+ output even though the Garmin's heartrate datastream input is assigned to the HRM?
I admit that I don't understand the Ant+ protocol at all but this all seems odd.
Velocomp CEO
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Re: Question about data transmission

Post by Velocomp »

We don't transmit CdA data as an HR signal. CdA has its own, separate signal. We record CdA data internally in the HR channel. We did this so that we wouldn't need to make a completely new version of Isaac.
John Hamann
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