Can't Do Cal Ride - get Data Full Message

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Can't Do Cal Ride - get Data Full Message

Post by mtbdcd »

When i do the erase data, it does not work. I select erase data, yes, says done. But still full.
My experience with a the isport is that you cannot erase the data. But have always been always to do a calibration ride.
Velocomp CEO
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Re: Can't Do Cal Ride - get Data Full Message

Post by Velocomp » get this message you would need to fill your iSport with 13 hours worth of Cal Rides. That's about 80 cal rides...

You will need to return your unit to the factory if you want to have the ride memory erased.
John Hamann
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Re: Can't Do Cal Ride - get Data Full Message

Post by mtbdcd »

From your post, sounds like cal ride memory is different from the other data memory? This was only my second cal ride, i was using the 2nd profile.
Anyway your tech support suggested i do the battery upside down thing to reset the unit. I did that, erased the memory from the erase data option(worked this time). Then was able to do a cal ride.
Velocomp CEO
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Re: Can't Do Cal Ride - get Data Full Message

Post by Velocomp »

Cool! That's why I only rarely try to do tech support...
John Hamann
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Re: Can't Do Cal Ride - get Data Full Message

Post by mtbdcd »

John - thanks for the reply on the board. Who knows what the problem was, seems like the upside down battery is similar to the ctl-alt-del on a dos/windows based computer. Software has stepped on itself, reboot! Thank Tom too. Reason i posted here was i would not get a reply on a weekend from Tech Support. Got one in less than 2 hours, good support.

BTW: been using Ibike for a couple of years now and have always been curious about my setup and it's accuracy. Rode a ride the other day with a powertap and the ibike at the same time. 4 watt average difference. Pretty amazing. Looking forward to your new one.
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