New cal/coasts after additional fast settups?

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New cal/coasts after additional fast settups?

Post by minus10 »

Having read a fair bit about not needing to redo the cal ride or coast downs after hard resets and battery changes I am guessing this is much the same.

I've been having issues with the head unit and ended up going through the fast start after the initial install a few times (see post in Gen III forum about battery compartment) and wonder if I need to redo the cal and coasts. From what I understand, the answer is no as the first cal ride is just about my personal drag resistance (wind and tilt calibration essentially) and the coast data stays put as well?
Velocomp CEO
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Re: New cal/coasts after additional fast settups?

Post by Velocomp »

There is no need to repeat calibrations after changing a battery.
John Hamann
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Re: New cal/coasts after additional fast settups?

Post by willycs »

I have had alot of trouble with flats lately. I went through three on one mornings ride. So I went out and bought a real thick (thorn proof) tube (700 x 23). When I got on to ride the next day I noticed during my warm up the iSport displayed 40W while coasting downhill. All I could think to do was to run through the fast start setup. I did that and everything seemed fine. My question is: could the new tube have changed the orientation (tilt) of the front wheel enough to mess up the iSport? If it changed the circumference it would have just affected speed?


Bill Snyder
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