choice of more than one customized workout possible?
choice of more than one customized workout possible?
I just programmed a new customized interval workout and sent it to my newton. That workout now seems to the only customized one available. If I sent other pre-customized workouts, could I have a choice about which workout I wanted to do while out on my bike?
Re: choice of more than one customized workout possible?
At present, you load only one workout at a time into the Newton. You can certainly pre-program a whole bunch of them and save them, just load the one you want to do on the day's ride into the Newton when you are ready.
John Hamann
Re: choice of more than one customized workout possible?
This whole idea of workout we get through training and workshops. It is very important to know the idea about the success in triathlon. I had read one article about the best Triathlon Workshops NY which had helped many Triathletes. Reading that whole article gave many new concept of triathlon. I would really think to be a part of triathlon.