If I think I moved my powerpod should I recalibrate?

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If I think I moved my powerpod should I recalibrate?

Post by BtheB »

Hello, First post here. I have another question besides the one in the subject too.

My powerpod is mounted beneath my garmin mount via a gopro adapter. I don't have any need to remove either from my bike so this has been a good setup for me since I have aerodynamically shaped handlebars and the included mount wont work. Today while waiting for someone at the top of a climb I sort of leaned over my bike in such a way that I believe I might have moved my garmin mount ever so slightly downward. It looks the same but it felt a bit like it "gave" when I was leaning over the front end. Also, the readings I had once I started pedaling after the descent were very low. However there are some extenuating circumstances.
  • The wait for the rest of the group and the conversation that followed was more than 20 minutes and the powerpod shut down.
    Since it was a technical descent I didn't pay any attention to the fact that I had no power readings during that time.
    Once I started the powerpod again I was already riding and once it started giving me a number it was 0 for a couple minutes.
    Once it actually showed me some numbers it was less than 100 watts and I was climbing at a decent effort and I weigh 195 lbs.
My second question is regarding a gap between the two halves of the casing for the powerpod. I can see an open gap between the to pieces that make up the outer shell of the powerpod when I look directly into the opening of the port on the front. Is that okay?

It's too soon to tell if my powerpod is seemingly accurate but other than today it hasn't been too outrageous to be believed. I get some very high numbers on occasion so I'm not sure what to think just yet. I think my position might be more aerodynamically efficient than the options available. I ride on the hoods with primarily straight arms but I have quite a drop from saddle to bars. I'm just a week into this so I'm still getting familiar.

Cheers, Billy
Velocomp CEO
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Re: If I think I moved my powerpod should I recalibrate?

Post by Velocomp »

If your PP moves then, over the next 8 minutes, it will recalibrate itself automatically. You don't have to do anything.

Make sure your mount is solidly attached so that it cannot rotate.
John Hamann
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Re: If I think I moved my powerpod should I recalibrate?

Post by BtheB »

Velocomp wrote:If your PP moves then, over the next 8 minutes, it will recalibrate itself automatically. You don't have to do anything.

Make sure your mount is solidly attached so that it cannot rotate.
It is pretty solidly mounted but there was a substantial and unusual amount of pressure applied to the mount. I'm pretty certain it was moved a tiny amount but after a few minutes of riding today the numbers started to look like I expected.

The second half of my question, the gap between the two halves of the casing remains unanswered. Is that supposed to be that way?
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