Suggestion: Multiple rides per email

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Joined: Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:20 am

Suggestion: Multiple rides per email

Post by veloman »

I know, as always, the worker bees are buzzing around the Velocomp world headquarters. So I hate to sound like "Gee you nothing better to do, so how 'bout this . . ." But I have a suggestion for a new feature for the iBike app. How 'bout a "Send All Unsent Rides" button on the "Send Ride File" window. I do a lot of commuting and accumulate a lot of short rides. Yes I know, the simple answer is for me not to be so freakin' lazy and just send the file after the ride. However, life/work sometimes gets in the way and I don't always remember. By the time TH rolls around I've got 10 files to send to myself. It would be nice to do that with just one button and one email instead of 10.

Also, having the "Sent" button a different color from the "Send" button would be nice too.

As always, thanks for listening.

Velocomp CEO
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Re: Suggestion: Multiple rides per email

Post by Velocomp »

Good ideas! You'll see some significant improvements coming later this summer.
John Hamann
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