Velodrome setup

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Phil Kilpatrick
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Velodrome setup

Post by Phil Kilpatrick »

Hi guys,
Advice on the below would be much appreciate around velodrome use.
Setup up track bike with speed/DFPM/Garmin 520/ laptop

Can complete a calibration ride every session but if it's not needed then no problems

Profile 4
-No issues with calibration ride, if I change bikes I am understanding that another calibration ride is needed?

-Is there anyway to save multiple profile 4 calibrations so I could switch aero testing during a session? Happy to use laptop at track to do so.

-in between testing on the same bike is it ok to leave the AP alone and then click it once to switch it back on for next 3 min test. Would I have to ride 5 mins steady or crack on with effort within 30secs?

-what's the minimum test duration, riding at pursuit pace is important to validate equipment choices at the race velocity but hard to ride at for longer than 3-4 mins. Race pace is 460watts for reference and around 55kph

-same as above but can a test be done for 250 & 500m as I can then test Sprint setup with calibration ride completed owing to the handle bar change

- on a side note are profiles 1-3 suitable for track cycling testing? Can I setup 1-3 to mirror profile 4 fuselage?

All profiles in effect a copy of profile 4 for aero testing but different bikes and setups saved to each profile?

The actual CdA is less important than being able to see change.
Profile 1 drop bars track bike, could this be used in a bunch race setup to show drafting and position on bike to analyse performance?
Profile 2 tt bars track bike
Profile 3 second bike drop bars
Profile 4 second bike tt bars
Each having a calibration ride completed and saved?

Thanks in advance for helping a new and excited AP user
Phil Kilpatrick
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Re: Velodrome setup

Post by Phil Kilpatrick »

Tried and failed today to cal and then test position.

Couldnt get the cal ride to finish properly, then power wasn't displayed and CdA stayed the same.

Problems abound. Complete wipe of the device and profiles, reset the device to profile 4 and have another go.

All being well ill update on results, if it fails, one for Ebay I think!!
Velocomp CEO
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Re: Velodrome setup

Post by Velocomp »

Based on the information you have provided it is impossible to provide advice.

If you have any .ibr ride files please post them and I will take a look.
John Hamann
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Re: Velodrome setup

Post by michal »

@John - one question regarding velodrome calibration ride: how do I conduct one when riding in indoors velodrome?

I will have the opportunity to ride in Pruszków - indoor 250m wood velodrome; do I still need to go for classic calibration ride with turning around @ 50W point?
Velocomp CEO
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Re: Velodrome setup

Post by Velocomp »

michal wrote: Fri Jul 17, 2020 6:44 am @John - one question regarding velodrome calibration ride: how do I conduct one when riding in indoors velodrome?

I will have the opportunity to ride in Pruszków - indoor 250m wood velodrome; do I still need to go for classic calibration ride with turning around @ 50W point?
In a velodrome there is very little ground wind speed. Here is what to do:

1) Start the cal ride. Watts will climb slowly to 50
2) At the turnaround point (50W, solid red), do not turn around, but slow down to below 9 mph, until light starts flashing yellow and watts start climbing above 50.
3) Continue cal ride in the same direction until watts reach 100
John Hamann
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Re: Velodrome setup

Post by michal »

Thanks! Will give it a go this Sunday or Monday.
Phil Kilpatrick
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Re: Velodrome setup

Post by Phil Kilpatrick »

The advice on how to cal indoors is helpful.

I will try again today as a reset the device and loaded up a new profile in profile 4. It has removed my old road TT bike CdA so will now hopefully save my track bike CdA.

I intend on using it solely indoors so I wanted to understand how the aeropod could be best used for the below:
1. Aero testing myself in profile 4, the main concern would be keeping the device awake during the session.

2. How to best test different positions, i.e track bike with drops or pursuit bars. The more I read into it the more I'm thinking just to keep the pursuit bars on to test and validate kit for a drop bar setup. wheels, skinsuit etc but just use the drop bar on the pursuit setup to mimic the drop bar setup for bunch racing.

3. If my friend wants to aero test, can they use my profile 4? Just run a baseline run using my set CdA and then measure change from there? Granted its not their actual CdA but at least we can measure change without doing another cal ride for every session or new rider?
Phil Kilpatrick
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Re: Velodrome setup

Post by Phil Kilpatrick »

Ah man, another failed session.

Thought the cal rides are working correctly, power rises up to the 100W then shows for a few seconds, goes to zero, and doesn't show power.
Downloaded ride files and it shows no power, DFPM looks to pair to the aeropod correctly.
I then proceeded to pair to my DFPM to ensure it connects, it read power as I rode, and showed on the aeropod app on the Garmin so I know it works.

I have had all the kit working together, just seems when I'm indoors the power reading drop's out.

Going to retest on the road to make sure its not an environmental thing?

Shame, as I ran some quite interesting setup's and can loosely check on speed/power for watt savings.
Velocomp CEO
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Re: Velodrome setup

Post by Velocomp »

Please post photos of your AP mounted on your bike. Also, please post your .ibr ride file.
John Hamann
Phil Kilpatrick
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Re: Velodrome setup

Post by Phil Kilpatrick »

As you can see no real data from the Aeropod.

I unlinked the DFPM and the Aeropod app on my garnin then displayed data for power after a number of blocks or riding so at least I had some power data to run analysis on

The cal ride would count up to 100 then go blank after

Im lucky that a friend ran the data and gave the answers to the aero test, I can now use the figure as a basline value to work from if I can get the aerpod working.
Ive looked and think the aeropod can be manually updated for CdA?
Phil Kilpatrick
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Re: Velodrome setup

Post by Phil Kilpatrick »

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Velocomp CEO
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Re: Velodrome setup

Post by Velocomp »

It's important to understand that the purpose of a "cal ride" is to calibrate AP. By definition, the ride file data gathered DURING a cal ride is not calibrated (how could it be?)

The ride file data gathered AFTER a successful cal ride is calibrated.

You have two cal rides and one post-cal-ride file.

The cal ride from 1342 did not "take" (wind scaling in your 1342 post-cal-ride was 1.000, the default value). Why it did not work I do not know, but because it did not work there was no DFPM data in it or the file after it.

The cal ride you did at 1411 was successful; you have DFPM data in it. However, there is no post-cal ride file, so I can't see what your real-life data looks like.

I know that velodrome time is precious. My suggestion is that you do your calibration runs outdoors, and that you do some practicing on test protocols. You will get good calibration data from outdoor runs, and you won't have to worry about making mistakes on an indoor track.
John Hamann
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