Start/Stop Button

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Start/Stop Button

Post by nate16mo »

I apologize if this is elsewhere on the forum. Please point me to that thread if so...

Is there an easy way to start/stop recording the iBike Newton while on a ride? For instance, if your training rides begin and end in a city or town and you would like to keep the device on (giving the ability to review some of the statistics as you wind your way home), but for all purposes your ride is complete. As opposed to the averages and total metrics continuing, it would be nice to be able to start/stop the recording.

Velocomp CEO
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Re: Start/Stop Button

Post by Velocomp »

Use the Lap feature: press-hold the left arrow for two seconds. You'll get your statistics for the ride up to that point. You can mark more laps too, if you wish.

To review your Lap stats after the ride is done, press-hold the left arrow for 5 seconds, then click up/down arrows to review each lap's statistics.
John Hamann
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Re: Start/Stop Button

Post by racerfern »

You cannot stop recording other than somehow remove the speed magnet. I suggest you hit the lap marker (hold the left button for a few seconds) to mark the area of interest.

All that said, if you're riding you're you're accumulating TSS so regardless of how you wind your way home it still adds to the totals. Then when you get home you can highlight the area of interest or select the lap that interests you.

I see Velocomp gave basically the same answer. Great minds think alike. :)
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