coast down power anomalies

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coast down power anomalies

Post by ted.kelly »

I am trying to do some roll down testing using a hill.
I tried setting high values for Crr and CdA, and used the repair for missing cadence tool to try and get "power" while coasting.
I get a few single sample spikes in the "power" and sections of the coast where the "power" abruptly drops to zero.
Can someone explain what might be going wrong?
Velocomp CEO
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Re: coast down power anomalies

Post by Velocomp »

Wow, this harkens back to some of the coast down testing we did 15 years ago with the original iBike product and iBike app (the app we had prior to Isaac).

I don't remember what changes have been made through the years, but I think what is going on is that the kind of analysis you're trying to do with Isaac is no longer provided.

If you want to explore this method further you could export the sensor data as a csv file, then build your own analysis tool.
John Hamann
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