Check Calibration

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Check Calibration

Post by BillOsler »

It is possible to use the "Check Calibration" tool in Isaac to analyze a file and identify possible Aeropod configuration problems. Doing so requires that a ride start and end in the same location.
My Aeropod rides very rarely end where they began because riding from home I cannot avoid a couple of 90 degree turns at corners or a rapid descent within the first 5 minutes so I wait until I reach a suitable location prior to turning the Aeropod on. When Isaac asks me whether the ride started and stopped at the same location I answer "no".
That said, most rides have one or more sections that would be suitable for calibration checks. I can identify those sections and check the calibration .... except that once I tell Isaac that the ride started and stopped in different locations the program assumes that to be true of subsets of the ride. So, if I choose a section that includes a loop or an out/back and discard the rest of the ride Isaac will not allow me to use that perfectly valid section of the ride to check calibration.
Is there not a way to reset whatever flag is used to track the answer to that question? Or tell Isaac in some other way that the currently loaded information DOES start and stop at the same location?
Velocomp CEO
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Re: Check Calibration

Post by Velocomp »

I'm not certain I understand what you are trying to accomplish; I don't know what "AeroPod configuration problems" means.

If you're trying to check calibration parameters, one thing you can do is highlight the section of the ride where you have suitable conditions, extract that portion with the File/Combine-Split command, then use Isaac Check Calibration to get profile parameters for that section, then apply the modified profile (which will be stored in your Edit Profiles window) to the entire ride file with the Tools/Switch Profile After the Ride command.

The great danger in this approach is that, if wind conditions changed during the ride in the selected section, then the corrected profile will be wrong.
John Hamann
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