Example of PowerHouse Express Fitness workout

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Velocomp CEO
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Example of PowerHouse Express Fitness workout

Post by Velocomp »

I've been using the PowerHouse Bike "Express Fit" plan.

Yesterday I did workout number 17.

Workout 17 has 37 intervals in it. I'm attaching my ride file so you can see what a PowerHouse workout looks like.

I have a PowerTap hub on my bike, so I also use these workouts to compare readings. Click the "View DFPM" check box and you'll see the two devices are very, very close, even in conditions of changing wind!
Screen Shot 2017-04-23 at 9.43.08 PM.png
Screen Shot 2017-04-23 at 9.43.08 PM.png (589.9 KiB) Viewed 8358 times
Here are other points of interest:

0) In Isaac, click on the "laps" tab to see the marked laps of the workout

1) At the beginning you'll see a 10 minute warmup (I'm riding my bike through a neighborhood area, so there are various places where I stop)

2) You'll then see all the intervals, alternating between work and recovery efforts

3) You'll see that many times I change cadence, according to what the particular interval requires

4) You will see that, for some intervals, I was riding into strong headwinds; for others, strong tailwinds (when I come to the end of the road I turn around and continue my workout, riding in the opposite direction. You will see several "loops" of the same route). Whether riding against the wind or with it, my power remained about constant, according to the demands of the interval.

5) For some intervals, target power did not change significantly but cadence DID change. This is Hunter's way of teaching cyclists to use cadence as another means to achieve better fitness.

6) You'll see some high-wattage, 20 second bursts, followed by 2 recovery intervals

7) The entire workout was about one hour in length. This is perfect for my time-limited situation--for riders who have more time, or different cycling objectives, there are other plans available.

8) This workout is customized to my current FTP of 230W (the workouts are getting too easy for me; I need to update my FTP test!)

I am using PowerPod BLE with my PowerHouse app, but I am also recording data with a Newton (so that it will be easy to mark laps in the ride file).

Newton ride file is attached...
(258.71 KiB) Downloaded 448 times
John Hamann
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