Gravel question

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Joined: Mon Jul 29, 2019 6:29 am

Gravel question

Post by Wobblydrow »


i just set up PP V3 for my gravel bike rather than previous road bikes where was working well and has some questions. I did the cal ride and updated weight etc, and on the ride gave numbers that were sensible, if a little low. When i downloaded and analysed it said CRR was 0.017 vs what is recommeded here to be 0.008. When i used that number the power just seemed way off and low - the power would be 30-40w lower than what i would do using any other bike on the longer climbs for such a gradient and speed.

The only thing I need to adjust is the tyre circumferance as 40C tyres were not an option, but that only increased power a couple of watts.

For example, for the attatched file I did 100km and 1700m climbing, yet says my average power (with corrected CRR) was only 93w. By comparison when commuting using a quark double sided PM i would average 140w on a realtive flat route.....its just too low to be right but i dont know how or why. Even the uncorrected power average at 135w is too low, i would be expecting 160-170 for the route profile, total elevation and speed etc noth withstanding gravel takes more power for same speed

So my question is what other variables may I have got wrong that may be contributing to a low power when CRR is corrected, I cant see anything obvious but must be something.

Finally, can you cahnge the tyre pressure anywhere else except the new profile set up and how much impact does this have on the results (i ride the 40mm gravel at 30PSI)

I have atatched file (note this is 4 parts joined together due to stops but nothing else is different)
gravel ride 2.ibr
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