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Calibration in a city?

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 11:02 am
by jhoff80
I'm still waiting for my Powerpod v3 to arrive, but I'm starting to have some concerns about the 'out and back' calibration that is now default... and also calibration as a whole. The problem is, I live in an urban area.

I can likely manage a consistent one mile / five-minute ride, but how is the PowerPod going to handle if I need to stop for traffic lights during the calibration ride?

But also, there is no way I will be able to do a out-and-back ride that is completely identical... I wouldn't even be able to be on the same side of the street for the way back, and obviously there would be concerns about wind changes if I'm 20 feet away from my original line from the way out. Is this something that the Powerpod can handle well? Would I be better off downgrading to the one-way calibration (if that's even still possible)?

Re: Calibration in a city?

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 12:56 pm
by Velocomp
It's not a problem if you have to stop during the cal ride.

It's also OK if you ride back on the other side of the street.

What MIGHT be an issue is traffic. Lot's of cars create apparent tail winds.

After you do your cal ride do short ride afterwards and post it here. We will take a look and make any needed changes.