Getting PowerPod to work on Linux

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Getting PowerPod to work on Linux

Post by bucko »

If you run Linux, never fear. There's two ways you can get this working: either use VirtualBox (easy) or a tool I'm working on (hard and very incomplete). Disclaimer: What works for me might not work for you, and neither will get you support from Velocomp.


The easiest way is to use VirtualBox; Isaac just works using its USB support! You don't even need to buy a Windows license; you can get a "testing" virtual machine from ... tools/vms/ [1]. These will expire after 90 days, but after they expire they just shut down about an hour after you start them, which is enough time to get anything you need done. You could also just reinstall every 3 months! I was using the "IE11 on Win81" image, as Isaac didn't list Windows 10.

To get it to work, install VirtualBox (I used Debian's "apt" to get it). Now import the image you downloaded from Microsoft (or do whatever you like to get a working image) and enable USB in the machine's settings[2][3]. If your PowerPod is plugged in, you can add a filter for it now. If not, don't worry, just boot the machine and download Isaac from as usual. Plug in your PowerPod and, if you didn't add the filter before, tick the device under the 'Devices->USB' menu. It'll be called "Silicon Labs CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller" or something similar. If you can't find it, unplug it and see which device disappeared! It should now work in Isaac. I set up a shared folder with my host machine, and got Isaac to save rides there so that I didn't lose them when I needed to reset the machine.

[1] The license terms look standard, so I think use of these is fine for these purposes.
[2] You may need to download the extensions from Sun at ... installing for EHCI/XHCI (USB 2/3), but I got it working fine on the OHCI setting after installing them, so you probably don't need them!
[3] You might need to run as root, or at least join the vboxusers group to get USB to work. ... -linux.42/ might also help.

Command-line tool

If you don't want to use VirtualBox, I'm working on a command-line tool here:

It's not exactly complete right now (it can only dump raw ride data and allow you to play with it in Python), but hopefully when I get some time I can make it export a GPX file. This comes with NO WARRANTY (use at own risk!). I'll try to remember to update this post as I make it better. The target is likely to be people who want automation (ie. just plug it in and it uploads everywhere), or raw data (ie. for people who want to compute CdA factors or rate the windiness of their ride) rather than ease of use.

What probably won't ever work:
  • Warranty. If you break your PowerPod using this, that's your problem, not mine! Use Isaac on Windows if you want to be safe.
  • Firmware updates (I might add an option to check if you need an update, though, if I can work out how that works!). Don't want to tempt fate and break my PowerPod.
  • PowerStroke. I haven't bought the upgrade, and I'm worried about being accused of breaking DRM or something if I do implement PowerStroke functionality.
Last edited by bucko on Fri Dec 30, 2016 4:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Velocomp CEO
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Re: Getting PowerPod to work on Linux

Post by Velocomp »

This is interesting but there is one other important note to add: Velocomp does support any Linux installation of Isaac...
John Hamann
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Re: Getting PowerPod to work on Linux

Post by FrankH »

As a new owner of a Powerpod I'd just like to express my thanks to Bucko for his "How To". I tried running Isaac in WINE and it works but I couldn't get USB working. I then tried it in Virtualbox as described by Bucko. I followed his instructions and it worked a treat.

1. I enabled COM1 and USB 2 in Virtualbox settings, I'm not sure if I needed to do this
2. I had to run Virtualbox as root as Bucko suggested, otherwise it just didn't see any USB devices (sudo Virtualbox from command line).

Thanks again Bucko. :ugeek: :D
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