Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

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Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Kcblair »

Hello John,

Installed a new cadence sensor, so I had to do a recalibration . O&B ride, seemed to complete, then headed out for a 11 mile ride. Garmin was reading
reading power data, nothing weird happening . Numbers looked normal for the ride, but when into Isaac to extract profile from the ride, no ride data. Only the O&B calibration ride.

Seems, every year, something different on atleast one bike. I'm sure you know what might have happen.

Thanks so much for your time,

Ken B.
Edit: I went for my 11 mile ride about 1 hr. after the O&B ride. And I did turn off the PP (5 clicks).
Edit: This is a continuing fix from last year, when it was discovered a cadence sensor failed. I completed a calibration ride on 3 bikes that I ride the most last year. This year I'm calibrating the last 2 bikes. April I did the 4th, no issues. The last is giving me issues.
O&B Calibration ride
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Velocomp CEO
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Velocomp »

Hmm...which profile are you using?

Please extract all four profiles and post them. If you have good rides from your other profiles please post them too.
John Hamann
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Kcblair »

Hello John, That's a lot of homework, anyway......
So today, I headed out with same bike with issue. Green light came on, then turned solid yellow. Rode short distance, thinking it wanted to recal , nothing. I turned off, restarted, same solid yellow light. After a short distance , i could see the red/green flashing, stopped pushed button, nothing. Did a factory reset, green ligh came on then solid, then again solid yellow. So I said enough and kept riding . After a short distance , I noticed power numbers being produced, although high , settled into normal numbers. Light had changed to solid green and all working normally. Went up a hill , watts normal . seemed to be working for remainder of ride. Got home, nothing recorded. (Sorry I can't remember in what order these events happened, just my recollection when I got home).

Now last year, I had the cadence sensor fail, installed new and had to recal all bikes . I only recalibrated the 3, that I used the most, (Concorde, Jamis & Raleigh CC) Also, you pointed out an technical issue with using Profiles 3 & 4 , so i set to Factory default, per your instructions. Using only 1& 2, which isn't an issue, as I only set up 2bikes at a time , when I move the PP unit, I have my PC handy and set the profile in use.

This season, I started to recal the last 2 bikes . The Merit recal as normal. The last bike , Ciocc is the currrent issue. As you can see in the "ibr" rides, I added the name of bike in use for you.

Also I discovered that the profiles for the Concorde and Merit have the Speed sensor ID. 38844. The Merit was just recently recal, and always had this ID. How the Concorde , now has this same ID is a mystery . Those 3 bikes from last year, have their Speed sensors stored away and battery removed.
So I guess that bike will have to be recal.
Concorde Profv4#1A.ibp
Concorde 2023
(428 Bytes) Downloaded 101 times
Merit Extracteed 4 10 2024.ibp
Current Recal this year
(464 Bytes) Downloaded 112 times
Ciocc 5 13 2024.ibp
Current Issue
(459 Bytes) Downloaded 112 times
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Kcblair »

Merit ride 2024
(470 KiB) Downloaded 85 times
Raleigh CC PPv4#1.ibp
Raleigh 2023
(456 Bytes) Downloaded 110 times
Jamis Climber PPv4#2.ibp
Last bike ridden 2023
(432 Bytes) Downloaded 106 times
Last edited by Kcblair on Tue May 14, 2024 4:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Kcblair »

iBike_10_04_2023_1002_26_Miles_HiDef Jamis.ibr
Jamis ride 2023
(1.22 MiB) Downloaded 107 times
iBike_09_20_2023_0956_16_Miles_HiDef A Raleigh CC.ibr
Raliegh CC ride 2023
(673.35 KiB) Downloaded 109 times
iBike_05_04_2024_1327_11_Miles_HiDef Merit.ibr
Merit ride 2024
(456.59 KiB) Downloaded 106 times
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Kcblair »

Final page of data.
iBike_11_16_2023_1335_12_Miles_HiDef Concorde.ibr
Concorde ride 2023, last ride of 2023
(569.08 KiB) Downloaded 115 times
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Kcblair »

Hello John,

Just an update. Todays ride, was all normal. Woke up all sensors, PP blinked green, found all sensors , solid green, started riding . Within a minute , normal watts were being displayed, and continued to display normal watts through out the complete ride. All data in my Garmin (530 Plus) , including watts looked as i expected. All normal.

Connected PP to Isaac , no ride data. SO the PP is reporting proper data to Garmin, but not to Isaac

Hope this information helps.

Thanks, Ken B.
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Kcblair »

Kcblair wrote: Fri May 17, 2024 2:03 pm Hello John,

Just an update. Todays ride, was all normal. Woke up all sensors, PP blinked green, found all sensors , solid green, started riding . Within a minute , normal watts were being displayed, and continued to display normal watts through out the complete ride. All data in my Garmin (530 Plus) , including watts looked as i expected. All normal. **Still using Ciocc Profile that started this issue, in profile 2.**

Connected PP to Isaac , no ride data. SO the PP is reporting proper data to Garmin, but not to Isaac

Hope this information helps.

Thanks, Ken B.
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Kcblair »

Hello John,

Another data point. Today I set profile 1 for the Merit (which I had completed a O&B calibration in April. ) Took a short 8 mi. ride and the ride was recorded in Isaac . So, my guess is, the issue is with the Ciocc profile and calibration. What's strange, as mentioned earlier, PP finds the sensors and sends PP data to the Garmin, but not being recorded in the PP.

Ken B.
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Velocomp »

Kcblair wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 4:11 pm Hello John,

Another data point. Today I set profile 1 for the Merit (which I had completed a O&B calibration in April. ) Took a short 8 mi. ride and the ride was recorded in Isaac . So, my guess is, the issue is with the Ciocc profile and calibration. What's strange, as mentioned earlier, PP finds the sensors and sends PP data to the Garmin, but not being recorded in the PP.

Ken B.
Connect your unit to Isaac and do an "Erase All Ride File" command. Hopefully that will fix things
John Hamann
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Kcblair »

Thanks John, But, which ride file am I erasing ?

Ken B.

Edit: Device>erase all ride data ????
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Kcblair »

Done . Will ride tomorrow and report back with results .

Thanks, Ken b
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Velocomp »

Kcblair wrote: Mon May 20, 2024 11:00 am Thanks John, But, which ride file am I erasing ?

Ken B.

Edit: Device>erase all ride data ????
It erases all ride files and reformats the file saving portion of your device.
John Hamann
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Kcblair »

Thanks John. I'll let you know tomorrow, how it goes. Again, thanks.

Ken B.
Posts: 152
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Kcblair »

Hello John,

Road 14mi. PP was putting out watts , but nothing to download. Still using the Ciocc 5 13 2024 Prof 2.

I've added 2 other profiles associated with this bike that didn't seem to work, can't remember issue.
Ciocc 5 11 2024 dailed in.ibp
Associated profile A
(368 Bytes) Downloaded 106 times
Ciocc 5 11 2024 Prof 1.ibp
Associated Profile B
(367 Bytes) Downloaded 106 times
Ciocc 5 13 2024 Prof 2.ibp
Current using
(368 Bytes) Downloaded 109 times
Velocomp CEO
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Velocomp »

Kcblair wrote: Tue May 21, 2024 1:52 pm Hello John,

Road 14mi. PP was putting out watts , but nothing to download. Still using the Ciocc 5 13 2024 Prof 2.

I've added 2 other profiles associated with this bike that didn't seem to work, can't remember issue.
There are no ride files in your device?
John Hamann
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Kcblair »

Hello John, No, I performed the ride delete command, as requested, yesterday. And not from todays ride, using the Ciocc Profile for that bike. The past ride that records , was the Merit on 5/19/2024. All rides this year , with the Merit have recorded . Remember, These 2 bikes have a new cadence sensor, and had to recal this year.

I had some issues with there O&B ride with is bike (Ciocc), reason there are 3 profiles. I remember , after completing the O&B ride, the numbers climb to 1000, then I got a solid red light and a solid yellow, like the PP wanted to do another O&B ride. Can't remember the other issues. All started normal today, received data , recorded in Garmin, just nothing in the PP. Only on this bike.

My other 3 bikes, using this same cadence sensor, were recaL last and were working properly .Those bikes are not ready for riding yet.

** All sensors, including the PP have fresh battery's and PP charged.**
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Kcblair »

Okay, John. Discovered another issue and paid attention this time. Needed to calibrate Concorde, as it had same speed sensor ID as does the Merit. (Mentioned above) . PP found all 3 sensors, light turned solid yellow, but after riding to starting point , over a minute, refused to start flashing Red/Green. After pulling my hair out, went home to think about. Did a hard reset, 4 sec. push to find sensors , good, turned solid yellow, good and then flashed Red/green.
Started O&B ride , PP flashing yellow, all good. After watts went to 100, Flashing yellow went out, normal watts started, then.... I noticed the PP started flashing Red/green again. I stopped pushed PP 5 times to turn off and headed home. It's getting too hot.
I was able to extract the new Concorde profile.

Some years all starts smoothly and other years, i have these situations.
Velocomp CEO
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Velocomp »

Kcblair wrote: Wed May 22, 2024 10:52 am Okay, John. Discovered another issue and paid attention this time. Needed to calibrate Concorde, as it had same speed sensor ID as does the Merit. (Mentioned above) . PP found all 3 sensors, light turned solid yellow, but after riding to starting point , over a minute, refused to start flashing Red/Green. After pulling my hair out, went home to think about. Did a hard reset, 4 sec. push to find sensors , good, turned solid yellow, good and then flashed Red/green.
Started O&B ride , PP flashing yellow, all good. After watts went to 100, Flashing yellow went out, normal watts started, then.... I noticed the PP started flashing Red/green again. I stopped pushed PP 5 times to turn off and headed home. It's getting too hot.
I was able to extract the new Concorde profile.

Some years all starts smoothly and other years, i have these situations.
Flashing red/green after cal ride means that the just-finished cal ride did not "take".

My suggestion is that you copy all profiles into Isaac (make sure to name them), then use the "Device/Setup/Reset All Profiles" to reset all four of your profiles, THEN work on getting one bike working properly. Please post results of one-bike cal ride and ride file.

Once we have one bike working we will start to add others...
John Hamann
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Kcblair »

Ok, to understand, the ride i performed on the Concorde is not good, although was able to extract a profile ??

All my profiles are in Isaac, under Edit Profiles and currently named.

Now keep in mind, I can only use #1 and #2, as you explained, there is a technical issue with #3 & #4. Explained last year or 2 years ago
You said to set 3 & 4 to factory default.

So when I set reset Profile 1 & 2, Do I need to do a calibration ride ?
Under "ready to ride" Which option should i use ?

And, what do I do if I get Red/Green flashing after a O&B ride completion ?

Thanks Ken
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Kcblair »

Ok, re read instructions .
1. All current profiles are backed up and in Isaac.
2. All profiles now are "factory default ".per the above setup instructions.
3. Ready to start bike #1.
Again , what do I do, if at the end of O&B , I see the red/green flashing light .
Thanks. KB
Velocomp CEO
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Velocomp »

Kcblair wrote: Wed May 22, 2024 8:26 pm Ok, re read instructions .
1. All current profiles are backed up and in Isaac.
2. All profiles now are "factory default ".per the above setup instructions.
3. Ready to start bike #1.
Again , what do I do, if at the end of O&B , I see the red/green flashing light .
Thanks. KB
1) Before starting, make sure your unit is reasonably level to the ground and CANNOT ROTATE

2) Wake up your ANT+ sensors

3) Press unit button for about 4 seconds, until light starts flashing green. Release button

4) Sensors should pair, when finished light will show solid green, then go out

5) Click button: should be solid yellow--ready to start cal ride

6) Start riding; when the light starts flashing red/green you're ready to do a cal ride

7) Click button to start cal ride; button will flash yellow

8) Ride to 50W mark; light will turn solid red. Slow down, turn around; light should flash yellow

9) Ride to 100W mark, light should go out and you should see actual watts.

IF, AT THE END OF THIS CAL RIDE, YOU SEE FLASHING RED/GREEN, SOMETHING IS LIKELY WRONG WITH YOUR UNIT. Keep riding for about one mile, then post ride file and profile here.
John Hamann
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Kcblair »

Thanks John, I carry Instructions with me now ,when having this issues. Will try, before rain sets in.

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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Kcblair »

Ok John, not very good results, but this is what happen.
1. All sensors fresh batts and PP charged
2. Paired Sensors . OK (verified on Garmin)
3. Solid yellow light. after minute, still solid yellow, no flashing Red/green
4, Hard reset, Sensors paired, Solid yellow ,then Flashing Red/Green.
5. Started O&B ride, pushed button, flashing yellow.
**I live on low traffic road, especially week days)**So could observe closely
6. When 50 appeared, no solid red, rode to 51, stopped and returned, still flashing yellow.
7. At 100 Red flashed several times, then Red/Green started flashing.
8. Continued to ride for 2 miles.
9. Numbers seemed to climb 1 to 100 (approximately) at 100, Watts jumped to 2780 and stopped at about 2820 when I arrived back home.
10. storm on the way, ride again tomorrow.

This is crazy .

Hope this will help.
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Kcblair »

only extracted a profile
ciocc 5 23 2024.ibp
(458 Bytes) Downloaded 93 times
Velocomp CEO
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Velocomp »

Kcblair wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 9:08 am only extracted a profile
Do a short ride with this profile--no cal ride needed. You should then have a ride file, which you can post.
John Hamann
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Kcblair »

Ok, John. I have a 17 mile ride plan anyway, for tomorrow with this bike. Will post when return.
Thank you.
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Kcblair »

Only 1 little issue, John. I can't make that profile go into the PP. I set that Profile of say Profile #1, it remains "Factory Default" . Profile Ciocc 5 13 2024 will set .
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Kcblair »

Good Morning John.

Starting from scratch, I performed a Device>Setup>rest>profile device .
1. Paired all sensors (PP and sensors charged)
2. Solid gree, then solid yellow.
3.Set off, no flashing red/green.
4. Did a hard reset at staring point. Then got solid green, solid yellow/ followed by flashing red/green.
5. When I got to 50, no solid rd, I stopped and return to starting point.
6.Shortly after 100, I saw about 5 reds flashing, followed by flashing red/yellow.
7. PP when to 50, so I stopped turned off (5 clicks)
8. Went home, suit up, and headed out before to hot.
9. Will report after I return.

Have a nice Memorial day weekend, see you next week. I'm ok getting data collected in Garmin, until we solved the issu.

Ken B.
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Re: Completed O&B ride, but my 11 mile ride not recored

Post by Kcblair »

Quick update. I tried a O&B cal ride during my ride this morning. This time , I got a red at 50 and returned to start. After 100 flashing red then flashing Re/green numbers starting at 50. after some time, everything settled down and started reporting normal numbers. Totally strange. But no ride data, only able to extract profile.

Ciocc 5 24 2024.ibp
(459 Bytes) Downloaded 94 times
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