Can't sync Newton and Garmin Edge 820

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Can't sync Newton and Garmin Edge 820

Post by blp »

I used to get the power from the N6 broadcast and picked up by my Garmin 820.

I made an adjustment in Isaac to ignore DFPM, and I can't say that caused the N6 not being visible to Garmin.

Garmin scans and the N^ is not found.

How do I set up to broadcast power data to Garmin Edge 820?

Also, how do I find the N6 ANT+ ID?

Velocomp CEO
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Re: Can't sync Newton and Garmin Edge 820

Post by Velocomp »

Do a completely new scan, making sure that your DFPM is off.

That should fix things.
John Hamann
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Re: Can't sync Newton and Garmin Edge 820

Post by blp »

I assume you mean a new scan in Garmin.

BTW, any info on my updated thread, "Always a tail wind!"?
Velocomp CEO
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Re: Can't sync Newton and Garmin Edge 820

Post by Velocomp »

Do a Newton scan with DFPM off. This will enable DFPM out on your Newton.
John Hamann
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Re: Can't sync Newton and Garmin Edge 820

Post by blp »

I deleted all PM and did a scan. N6 found.

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