APS not switching profiles what is wrong

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APS not switching profiles what is wrong

Post by ronpei »

I have tried many things and so far APS does not work for me. I always have to go into settings and choose the right profile. It seems to not like to pick my bike 2 profile. It can sense and find the speed sensor but it will not seem to work. I have played for an hour and no luck, the only way to change profiles and see speed when I go between bikes is to manually change the profile. The two bikes have very different sensor, 1 is the ibike sensors the other uses the new Garmin non magnetic/ inertia sensors. I am baffled.
Velocomp CEO
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Re: APS not switching profiles what is wrong

Post by Velocomp »

What version FW are you using?
John Hamann
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Re: APS not switching profiles what is wrong

Post by ronpei »

ver 5.08 according to when I checked in Isaac it says I have the latest version.
Velocomp CEO
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Re: APS not switching profiles what is wrong

Post by Velocomp »

Make sure you don't have the same wireless IDs stored in two different profiles. Also, make sure that your profiles are "adjacent"; that is, profile 1 is for bike 1, profile 2 is for bike 3 is correct, profile 1 for bike 1 and profile 3 for bike 2 is not correct (there is a gap of profiles).
John Hamann
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Re: APS not switching profiles what is wrong

Post by ronpei »

the only common ant+ id that is common is my heart rate sensor, they are adjacent ie profile 1 and 2, that is why I am baffled, based upon my understanding everything should be right, yet when I see the bulls eye stop blinking and spin the wheel no cadence or speed displays, I go into set up and the profile says he one that was on the device before turn on or trip reset. I manually change profile and bingo, speed and cadence show up. It does not matter which was I go, it never auto switches. My device is a Newton + with the upgrade to version 5. So anyhow, things can work just no auto profile switching. Seems to be a baffling situation.
Velocomp CEO
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Re: APS not switching profiles what is wrong

Post by Velocomp »

You have 2 bikes. The other thing you need to be 100% certain about is that only ONE bike has its sensors turned on. If both bike sensors are on then the Newton will find the sensor of the most-recently paired bike.

Do the following:

1) Spin the wheel of the bike you want to use

2) Make sure the other bike's sensor is off

3) Wake up the Newton. It should pair to the sensor of your active bike

4) If it does not pair to your active bike, then take your bike outside, 100 feet away from the other bike, then do a Trip Reset. The active bike should be selected.
John Hamann
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Re: APS not switching profiles what is wrong

Post by ronpei »

Hi John actually I tried these based upon another reply you had made. The wo bikes were on different floors so I was careful that they were not interfering with each other. I also tried clearing the profiles and reloading them from Isaac so that they would search for ant + id's. As I say the id's per Isaac are different in the profiles and if I manually choose he profile they are fine, but for some strange reason the APS just will not switch them. There has to be some little thing I am not doing in the sequence you described. I did a trip reset to get it to scan for the ant+ ids and the bulls eye will flash then stop. Once it stops I assume it has picked up the id's but it does not seem to say found speed, found cadence. It is not the end of the world just a mild annoyance.
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