Newton Track feature suggestion, accident alert

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Newton Track feature suggestion, accident alert

Post by ronpei »

Just a suggestion, since I typically use the tracker app, it would be a great feature if the app had an add on that would alert a set of specific emergency contacts if certain conditions were met via text message and provide GPS map info. Since the tracker is running and the phone, Newton or powerpod have all the necessary sensors, it should be possible to start an alert screen in the even that say the accelerometer and the tilt go way out suddenly. The alert screen would allow say a variable time 1-5 minutes and if no response then it would send out a text to the person's emergency contacts. This would be a great add on to the Tracker. You are using the phone already, maybe the PP with blue tooth could use the sensors while the Newton may not be able to communicate but the phone already has an accelerometer in it that could be access for a sudden change of attitude or impact/ high G force?

What are your thoughts?
Velocomp CEO
Posts: 7824
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Re: Newton Track feature suggestion, accident alert

Post by Velocomp »

Interesting...we will think about this!
John Hamann
Posts: 120
Joined: Sat Jun 08, 2013 7:47 am

Re: Newton Track feature suggestion, accident alert

Post by ronpei »

I have searched for a cycling app that can do this, I think it would be a huge positive for you guys. If you need an alpha or beta tester I would be happy to try it out.
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