Suggestions for safe headphone use in Tracker

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Suggestions for safe headphone use in Tracker

Post by EHB »

As you've probably spotted, you can play music in Newton Tracker. I have never used this facility as I like to be able to hear whilst cycling. In honesty, I thought it was a mistake to give the option (edit to add - 'particularly given iBike being an American company and at risk of litigation)

Until today, I tried Bluetooth bone conduction headphones. They don't go in the ear and you don't feel separated from the environment. More like cycling next to a car with the stereo on. I even took a phone call whilst cycling.

The sound quality is lower than an in ear headphone, but you can even hear chain rub and trim your derailleur.

The particular ones I am using are Aftershokz Bluez2S, but I expect others might work just as well. They are fine with rain, but not cycling into the canal.

Edited 18:41 on 31st of March to add edit mentioned in text
Last edited by EHB on Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Suggestions for safe headphone use in Tracker

Post by EHB »

Saying that I've had a few goes at it and not figured out how to play more than two tracks. I've tried selecting multiple tracks from both one album and from two albums. I've also tried selecting a whole album, rather than songs from an album. Playing music from an internet radio app or the music App in the background is what I've ended up doing. That works fine.

Incidentally, it isn't the auto-pause, as it has stopped when I've been cycling along.

Not really a problem, as I don't mind switching to a music App and can use voice control in the main music App. Is it just a bug in this version of iOS?

(IPhone 6s and latest iOS (9.3))
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Re: Suggestions for safe headphone use in Tracker

Post by hydraliskraider »

Hearing isn't really a required sense to keep you safe on the bike. Believing that it's important is a common fallacy - by the time you can hear that something dangerous is about to happen, it's already too late to do anything about it. Keep your head on a swivel and pay attention. Good tunes can help keep you alert.
Velocomp CEO
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Re: Suggestions for safe headphone use in Tracker

Post by Velocomp »

I listen to podcasts when I ride.
John Hamann
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