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Newton Tracker not working

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 11:27 pm
by lavoww
I recently purchased the Newton Tracker aspect of your product and while it worked the first few times (I had to start and stop it again to get a download before it would find the file) it now doesn't seem to merge with the ride file at all. I have a android Samsung phone and I start and stop with the app, it gives me a message "data ride sync in progress, please wait..". I never get an error message, the sync box just goes away. I tried doing another dummy file, turning my phone off and then on and trying the fake start/stop again and Issac still can't find the file. When I ask it to get GPS data it tells me the download is questionable. If I say "yes" it then tries to merge todays ride, 5/6/14, with a ride from 4/26/14. This has happened on my last few rides so I have not been able to merge them with the GPS and thus they can not be downloaded to Strava.
Additionally, many of the first rides that did merge with GPS show me riding "among the trees" and not on the road but off to the side through trees and houses. Why is that?