newtons reads high & low compared to DFPM depending

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newtons reads high & low compared to DFPM depending

Post by bikemanbrent »

I am a track sprinter and I find my newton will read on average 100 watts lower than my dfpm in flat out 10 second sprints when comparing 1s max 5s max and average power. Speeds are aprox 55 to 60kph speeds are obtained outdoors on roads max wattage from DFPM 1550 range and averages for 10s is in the 1200 watt range by DFPM. newton always reports lower. is the confusing part

When doing 2min intervals the newton reads almost 100 watts higher than DFPM.The speeds are lower in the 40kph range and power is in low to mid 400's by DFPM
I have several DFPMS and they are quite consistent across each other-but the same inconsistencies are there between all dfpm's and the newton.

Any ideas out there on what may be causing the disparity. I love the simplicity of the newton but the data inconsistencies are a concern.
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Re: newtons reads high & low compared to DFPM depending

Post by Velocomp »

Please post a ride file and we will take a look!
John Hamann
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