It really works!

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Velocomp CEO
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It really works!

Post by Velocomp »

It's odd to realize that, having made power meters for over 6 years now, I've never really used one.

NO, I don't mean that I don't ride with one. I have at least one iBike on every single bike ride I take. And I look at my ride files after every ride.

What I mean is, I have never really pursued the benefits of using my iBike.

Any of you reading this forum are using a power meter--hopefully, an iBike :D. And most of you have an idea of your power "numbers"; how many watts you produce on average, your max watts, etc. Some of you may even know your FTP, and keep track of TSS, IF, etc.

Power numbers are great, but as I've found out, looking at power numbers doesn't tell you how to improve them.

Improving them requires an expert coach who interprets the numbers, understands your goal, provides plans and workouts designed to get you to your goal, and encourages you to stick with the plan.

That is what the POWERHOUSE (PH) Fitness System is all about.

As you know, the PH includes case + power electronics + app. And the core of the app are fitness plans, designed by Hunter Allen, one of the most highly regarded power training coaches in the world.

I started using the PH System on May 2. I decided to go with the Express Fitness plan, because its rides are about one hour long, and it's difficult for me to find much more than an hour to ride. Express Fitness features High Intensity Training principles--methods that achieve more fitness improvements in less time.

No matter which plan is picked, at it heart are workouts based on periodic Fitness Test/FTP measurements.

My first five minute fitness test was no podium winner: 225W FTP (my iAero/Newton provides watts data).

I then started doing Hunter’s Express Fitness workouts (there are 54 of them in the plan). The workouts aren’t easy, but they are not impossible, either. In fact, I get to rate each workout after it is finished. If I rate the ride as too tough, then FTP is backed off a bit; too easy, and FTP is kicked up a notch.

Because these workouts are totally customized to me, I find that I really look forward to doing them. Not only do I get a solid workout, but each day's workout is different; some days, they are oriented around building strength, other days are about aerobic capacity, and other days about boosting metabolism. Something quite fun is that I’m not sure how I will be challenged on each day’s ride.

Other good things are happening, too. My pedal stroke has become much more even, due to the need to keep my power in the different zones Hunter specifies. I now know what it feels like to push myself hard for 5 minutes, or to do a series of all-out sprints. Also, I now am more comfortable pedaling with considerably different cadences; Target Cadence is specified for each interval and Hunter moves cadence all over the place. In short: I am more confident about my riding skills.

Best of all, my FTP is going up. After the first 6 workouts I did a second Fitness Test—and my FTP did not much change. My third test was on May 31, after 18 workouts. Unlike the first two tests, this was a 20 minute test—much more precise (and difficult). However, my FTP had climbed, to 243W, and I was delighted.

Today, after completing 33 workouts, my PH told me it was time for another fitness test. I did it, and learned that my FTP has jumped to 273W!

What does all of this mean in practical terms? I have more energy, I am more fit, and I am enjoying cycling even more, in a completely new way. These are all wonderful things for me. Frankly, I really did not expect all of this.

When I finish with the Express Fitness plan, I can repeat it (starting at a much higher FTP!), or I can pick one of Hunter's other 5 plans. I'm going to be brave and try the CycleMax plan. Hunter designed this plan for more "serious" cyclists; I'll see how serious a cyclist I really am.

If you have an iBike Dash + Power, I strongly encourage you to download the PH app, and check it out—you can use both the iBike app and the POWERHOUSE app in your + Power case.

And of course, if you have purchased the POWERHOUSE Ftiness System, get out there and use it.

It really works!
John Hamann
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