iSport - GenIII

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iSport - GenIII

Post by gayeskin »

It has taken me a while to setup, but the more I research topics in the forum and read about iBike in general, the more I feel better about my purchase (even though i only purchased the iSport). This topic is just to help me understand about calibrations and setup so my watts being shown are relative to the situation.

Everytime I use the iBike I should:
  • 1. Perform a wind offset
    2. Perform a coast down if i change clothing (I live in Chicago, happens a lot in the spring)
A new Fitness test should be performed:
  • 1. After using the iBike fitness training for more than a month
    2. Losing significant weight
I did my calibration ride in fairly windy conditions would a new calibration need to be repeated?

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Re: iSport - GenIII

Post by racerfern »

Every time you use the iBike you should:
1) Acclimate the unit to the outdoor temperature
2) Perform a wind offset
4) At least glance at the tilt and use the same spot to confirm. If necessary do a tilt calibration, but only if it's necessary.

As far as losing significant weight I would say anything over 10lbs, so that would be about every other month. If you lose weight faster than that it's not very healthy anyways.

Calibration rides are most accurate in relatively calm conditions. But don't sweat the small stuff. Just get out there and ride. You could use that same calibration forever. Your weight loss and your improved fitness will be reflected in future fitness tests.
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Re: iSport - GenIII

Post by pantani »

Question when I ride I basically press the centre button and go. Does the i bike perform wind off set automatically. I have noticed it takes approx 5 min and the computer starts working fine without doing the wind offset each time.
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Re: iSport - GenIII

Post by racerfern »

The iBike does not automatically do a wind offset. I suggest you follow the steps listed above prior to each ride.

If you find that your power readings are off for the first five minutes and then settle in then you should re-do your tilt calibration. Your mount may have shifted.
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Re: iSport - GenIII

Post by lorduintah »

Along with the wind offset, I have found that altitude is a value to check. Barometric pressure changes and the result is the "altimeter" can read something that is way off. If you change this in a ride after checking your tile - then a large tilt correction can be the result and that significantly affects the watts. It is more likely to need to do the wind offset and notice a change is needed and then the altitude. The tilt value is usually pretty stable.

This is also an effect of riding and having a weather front go through while on your ride - big pressure changes can change the tilt, effectively changing watts.

So you should have an idea of the altitude - I drop about 100 feet between my residence and where I start my rides - I know both of these values from topo maps and I can set the altitude from either before starting my ride. Google maps will give you a fairly good value, too.

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Re: iSport - GenIII

Post by gayeskin »

I tested the change in temperature variation this morning. I had the iBike in our house over night. When i left this morning (6:30 a.m.) it was about 28 deg F, I had yet not acclimated the iBike to the temperature change and the Watts read 0. After riding for appoximately 15 minutes I stopped and performed the "offset". My elevation does not change that much so I never attempted to re-calibrate. After the "offset", the watts then returned to normal readings.

I guess this is the only cavaet of the iBike when using in evironments where there are large temperature swings. Either store bike outside (not an option for me) or wait for iBike to get acclimated and then start your ride. The later is only applicable for me in the winter, once summer hits, it is not that big of an issue.
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