Riding in different positions

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Riding in different positions

Post by Itcy-Tichy »

I appologize if this has been discussed before, but I was wondering if someone could tell me if I will see a huge difference in wattage readings by riding in positions different than that in which I've done the cds and 4 mile ride (i.e. standing while climbing a hill or in the drops)? I've read that riding in different positions will have an effect, but noone seems to know how much of an effect it will have.
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Re: Riding in different positions

Post by Russ »

One way that occured to me is to:
Do a simple CD standing on the peddles.
Then Ride a known short flat course (or hill) of your choice, noting the watts, note avg watts.

Do a simple CD in the drops and repeat the same course attempting to achieve same avg speed.

Note avg watts for second (or any other variations you wish) and the difference should be a ball
park idea for you. Of course you could increase the accuract by doing the full set of CD's with 4
mile ride for each and all that.

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Re: Riding in different positions

Post by michaeltop »

I would suggest doing a coast down in the riding position of drops or hoods, whatever takes up most of the ride. When you climb aero becomes less of an issue because of the lower climbing speed and the ibike pretty much nails power on hills.
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Re: Riding in different positions

Post by Site_Admin »

We will be releasing new software soon that will show EXACTLY how much time you're gaining (or losing) based on different positions on a per-mile or per-kilometer basis. This will be real-time for certain models. More, much more, after the press releases.
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Re: Riding in different positions

Post by Derath »

Whareagle wrote:This will be real-time for certain models.
New model ibike?
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Re: Riding in different positions

Post by leonsrocketcar »

Derath wrote:
Whareagle wrote:This will be real-time for certain models.
New model ibike?
Q U A R Q.................... :o
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Re: Riding in different positions

Post by Site_Admin »

No, we're releasing an iBike AERO in a few weeks.

We'll be COMPATIBLE with Quarq, but we will be merging the data from the two meters to do things unimaginable in any other product combo.
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Re: Riding in different positions

Post by racerfern »

It's all beginning to make sense now, I just can't find the right smiley.
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Re: Riding in different positions

Post by Derath »

Whareagle wrote:No, we're releasing an iBike AERO in a few weeks.

We'll be COMPATIBLE with Quarq, but we will be merging the data from the two meters to do things unimaginable in any other product combo.
Compatible as in it will work? Or "it will work with a paltry $150 firmware upgrade"?

Sorry couldn't resist :D
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Re: Riding in different positions

Post by Site_Admin »

Think of this product as a military product for Dr. Evil. You want sharks with lasers? How 'bout a flying Big Boy? Gotta pay to play.

Everyone seems to think that cycling is this big Socialist Giveaway. I've never understood it.
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Re: Riding in different positions

Post by Derath »

Whareagle wrote:Think of this product as a military product for Dr. Evil. You want sharks with lasers? How 'bout a flying Big Boy? Gotta pay to play.

Everyone seems to think that cycling is this big Socialist Giveaway. I've never understood it.
Cute, but you are missing my point. I am just taking a jab re: Garmin compatibility. As someone else might put it, I am taking your announcement "with a grain of salt"

Put it this way. The last big announcement you guys had (wireless et al) you annouced this cool new wireless mount which would be able to talk to garmin (not might talk to garmin with an optional extra not free firmware upgrade). In the same press release you announced an optional trainer firmware upgrade for $39.

I don't think anyone has ever complained about the trainer firmware upgrade. Why? Because you guys set the proper expectation up front.

So all I am saying is if you are going to say "We'll be COMPATIBLE with Quarq" BUT that actually means "We'll be COMPATIBLE with Quarq with an optional firmware upgrade at $??) then set the proper expectation up front.

I DON'T thing people here are expecting something for nothing. But I think everyone (including you) prefers to know what they are buying. Nobody likes to find out after the fact "oh wait sorry that wasn't included"

Hope that makes sense.
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Re: Riding in different positions

Post by Site_Admin »

Screw cute.

We're building the most advanced, accurate, precise and consistent power meter the cycling world has ever seen. It also either IS or WILL BE the most adaptable, depending on where you're looking.

We'll have an upgrade path for you and every other owner out there which will be fair, fast, predictable and will give you choices, far more than any other PM out on the market. It's not an "any option you want as long as it's AM/FM".

The Quarq is phenomenal, and the two products will COMPLEMENT each other quite well. And if you don't want it, don't buy it. You'll still get great, consistent, accurate data from the system you currently have or lust for in a standalone system.

But you know what ---- none of this is free. And if you think we're making King's wages off of this, you're kidding yourself.

Line forms behind the red velvet rope. Get in line now so you can be first on your block.
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Re: Riding in different positions

Post by Derath »


I love you cute attitude online. I am sure everyone gets a kick out of it as well.

But let me be clear so that we don't go stepping on each other for no reason.

I was not asking that you make it free. I was simply asking that if it wasn't that you be up front about that from the get go.

You just did that. So THANK YOU :mrgreen:

And no I don't expect you guys are getting rich off this, yet. But I hope you do. I hope this product blows the lid off the other overpriced PM's out there. I hope you all end up buying your dream homes and cashing in big. Why? Cause then we will all have really awesome toys (err tools) to enjoy for years to come. Nobody benefits from you closing up shop.
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Re: Riding in different positions

Post by 5am »

Now I'm confused. The Quarq is a power meter. The IBike is a power meter. Richard says they will complement each other. How so? Does one offer something that the other doesn't? Will I need both? Is there some feature that Quarq offers that Ibike doesn't? If yes, can it not be added to IBike?
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Re: Riding in different positions

Post by leonsrocketcar »

Oops, didn't mean to bend this thread off topic, which I need to open another one so Rich can spew some cute online info at us :lol:

go to http://www.quarq.us

quarq is a company that will sell (soon they say) a PM combo that is a power sensor (spider based) and a computer (on-board head unit) to read the power sensor. The spider sensor is called a cinco and the computer is called a quranium.

They said the spider is due very soon, this month or next. The quranium is going to be awhile. So reading their blog you see they tested it with garmin and iBike recently during a Peaks training camp. My swag was that without the quranium, they quarq dudes were scrabbling for a device to read the spider when it was release :geek: othewise who needs a sensor :idea: In walks compatibility with 705 and iBike. You can read all this on the quarq blog or training peaks blog.

But don't jump out of your pants for the cinco, cuz it costs lots o money and you have to have certain cranks (which my cranks don't work with the spider so I will not be trying that cool aid)

Rich: did I leave any impt info out?
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Re: Riding in different positions

Post by leonsrocketcar »

Whareagle wrote: Everyone seems to think that cycling is this big Socialist Giveaway. I've never understood it.
Try working at a Service Dept of a bike shop. Repairs for free :lol: whatever :roll:
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Re: Riding in different positions

Post by Site_Admin »

At the risk of spilling the beans, here's the gist...

What does the iBike have that no other power meter has? (An Air Pressure Sensor, as well as a superior tilt sensor and elevation measurement, among other things).

What does the quarq offer? The ability to measure torque and wattage in a 'traditional' location, but do it with Ant + Sport x-mission.


Remember all those discussions about how the iBike does or doesn't work in drafts? Remember what I was telling people?
"It's the wattage necessary at that moment, because you're effectively reducing the forces working against you."


If you've got a force-based power meter, and you've got a reverse-force power meter.... what can you do that no other PM can do?

Has anyone been to Kim Blair's tunnel? Maybe the LSWT in San Diego? Perhaps some of you Cobb fanatics ran down to College Station to get his opinion at $500/hr?

How about full-time, real-time, CdA? On a bike? in the middle of a training session, or even when racing?

What's the fastest combination of position and power for ME?
What's the fastest combination of equipment choice, for ME?
What's the best elbow position for me on my TT bike?
With my cleats in this position, am I stronger AND more aero, or just stronger, and is the aero penalty overcoming that?

Previously, you could only get this info after a download.
And with the iBike AERO, WITHOUT the Quarq, you'll still be able to get the CdA value, on-screen, real time, you'll just have to do it coasting and freezing, so it'll be sort of a 'radio delay' of maybe 6-10 seconds.

We'll have an upgrade path that is fair for everyone. And again, I'd say that most of the firmware updates and software updates will continue to be free and limitless. But just like last year's Chevy vs. this year's Chevy, we'll probably have to charge you for the extra DVD player, or the whitewalls with the spinners on the hubs.

So please, just hang in there, let the codewriters do their jobs, and learn to use your current gen ibikes to their fullest extent.

And Kevin - I'l be down at Hellweek, the whole week, so I want you to call me if you're anywhere with in 100 miles of F'burg so we can get your CD's and o & b optimized and practice some other stuff. I want you to get it. Badly.
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Re: Riding in different positions

Post by Derath »


Since you are spilling beans, just curious, but is the upcoming ibike aero a new device or an upgrade to an existing ibike?
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Re: Riding in different positions

Post by Site_Admin »

Derath wrote:Richard,

Since you are spilling beans, just curious, but is the upcoming ibike aero a new device or an upgrade to an existing ibike?
The Aero is a different iBike, but it'll work with all existing mounts, etc. If you want to upgrade to the Aero, we'll have that option available to current owners. I have no influence on pricing, so I can't even begin to come up with something quotable.
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Re: Riding in different positions

Post by Derath »

Whareagle wrote:
Derath wrote:Richard,

Since you are spilling beans, just curious, but is the upcoming ibike aero a new device or an upgrade to an existing ibike?
The Aero is a different iBike, but it'll work with all existing mounts, etc. If you want to upgrade to the Aero, we'll have that option available to current owners. I have no influence on pricing, so I can't even begin to come up with something quotable.
I wouldn't expect a price yet, since it hasn't even been officially announced. Just curious about a new physical device is all.

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Re: Riding in different positions

Post by Site_Admin »

It'll be a mail-in replacement. We'll offer CPU only plus other options. John is building them all next week to prepare. Look for the announcement about availability roughly EOM.
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Re: Riding in different positions

Post by Derath »

Whareagle wrote:It'll be a mail-in replacement. We'll offer CPU only plus other options. John is building them all next week to prepare. Look for the announcement about availability roughly EOM.

Ah, so not necessarily a whole new device. Same ibike (at least externally) but newer guts. I have been impressed at how well you have been able to improve the device wthout making huge changes (until now none) with the current hardware.

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