Cadence sensor and Garmin Vector 2

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Cadence sensor and Garmin Vector 2

Post by Wkinght »

I have just added some Garmin Vector 2 pedals which provide cadence so I removed the Cadence sensor.

My iBike seems to be working but when I look at the profile there is no id for the cadence and it doesn't seem to be recording cadence. Should I reinstall the cadence sensor or if I can get the cadence from the vector pedals how do I do that
Velocomp CEO
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Re: Cadence sensor and Garmin Vector 2

Post by Velocomp »

We're not sure how the Garmin Vector 2 cadence sensor works. One thing to try is to pedal down the road for about one minute, then try a new pairing. If the Garmin is transmitting cadence then that should work.

The other alternative is to reinstall your old cadence sensor and do a new pairing.
John Hamann
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