Multi Tasking Gps Nav

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Multi Tasking Gps Nav

Post by Roadiemark »


now that you can multi task with the ibike app how about running your fav navigation app and record in the back ground !!!

has anyone else try this a had a go at the weekend only did a little ride with memory map as my nav app and plan on doing a full ride to see how things go like battery life and heat but the test i did worked ok, my main reason for trying this is i don't want to run my Garmin and dash when i go away on cycling trip to the French alpes. we plan long rides over many peaks and good nav all in one unit just saves on stuff to carry and charge.

interested in your thoughts
Trek Madone 5.5
Suunto t6c
Garmin Edge 800
Garmin FR910 XT
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Velocomp CEO
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Re: Multi Tasking Gps Nav

Post by Velocomp »

I just stumbled on to your post.

I don't understand what you are suggesting so please explain in a bit more detail.
John Hamann
Posts: 47
Joined: Tue Jan 18, 2011 8:19 am

Re: Multi Tasking Gps Nav

Post by Roadiemark »

Hi John

Ok i will try to explain better, i have come from using the garmin edge range of GPS navigation units and this is how i have been using them and how we do in the bike clubs i am in. we make a route as a GPX file then send via email to each other so we have a map to follow and navigate from, we also have a pool of routes other riders can download and ride the edge is very good at this, and its a feature i hope you are working on for the ibike dash, maps can be down loaded too which is a better idea to navigate from as an internet connection or 3g is not always possible, when you're away say in france you get ripped off with data charges. so what i was saying was use the memory map app to navigate the ride and have the ibike app running in the background recording the ride data. what i did this year in the alps was to have my garmin in my pocket so i could check where to go as the map on the ibike app didn't work in the mountains.

i hope this helps explain my post

regards mark
ps i will post some alps data soon :D
Trek Madone 5.5
Suunto t6c
Garmin Edge 800
Garmin FR910 XT
ibike Dash+power
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