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Scan for sensors

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:28 am
by mtenzer
Hi, I'm having to re-scan for sensors every time the newton wakes up; even at rest stops .How do I lock this in so it'll pick up automatically? Thanks
p.s. This is with my girlfriend's unit. Mine doesn't have this problem.

Re: Scan for sensors

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:31 am
by Velocomp
What happens that causes you to do this?

Re: Scan for sensors

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:39 am
by mtenzer
Hi John. The unit doesn't pick up the sensors , i..e. it's o's for speed , cad, hr etc. Waking up the ibike then spinning the pedals doesn't trigger the ibike until I manually go into setup and press scan

Re: Scan for sensors

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:55 am
by mtenzer
This just in! She finished her workout this am and I connected the ibike to her computer to download the ride file and tinker with the sensor issue. Low and behold, the software asked if the new wireless i.d.'s should be saved ! So I think the issue will probably be resolved. New problem, however ... Human error on my part. I must not have closed the usb rubber port cover properly and slightly mangled it when I put it on the bike mount. I sort of stretched it out and now it seems not to seal well. Is this something you can send and I can fix here , or do I need to send it in for you guys to replace. Sorry! and thanks for the speedy replys(as usual)

Re: Scan for sensors

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 3:17 pm
by Velocomp
As long as you make sure to tighten your Newton on to your mount, water won't leak into the USB port (we've tested this!).

So, I would not worry about replacing the cover; you can rip it off if you wish.

Re: Scan for sensors

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 4:09 pm
by texmurphy
Velocomp wrote:As long as you make sure to tighten your Newton on to your mount, water won't leak into the USB port (we've tested this!).
So, I would not worry about replacing the cover; you can rip it off if you wish.
I have an intact USB port cover (which can be hard to open with short finger nails).
Today's ride included a 20 mile section of light rain with some standing water so a lot of spray. Newton is mounted above the stem. The wind port got blocked so no power for that section.
When I was ready to upload at home, I opened the USB cover and found it was wet under the cover. The cover was fully sealed over the USB port and it fits snug to the mount. This is the first time I have found it wet.