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Calibration File Download - File Selection (Step 1) is Grey

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:05 pm
by garrett
I did a long ride today, and in the middle I did a couple of Calibration Rides. I aborted the first one before I hit the turnaround. The 2nd was a good Cal Ride. When I download in the Download Coast-Downs and Calibration Rides menu selection, the software says it's getting two rides. When completed, it displays the first, aborted ride. The whole section to the right with Steps 1-4 is greyed out. I can't select the second Cal Ride in step 1 (which refers to a 4 mile ride, by the way). What's up?

Re: Calibration File Download - File Selection (Step 1) is Grey

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:11 pm
by travispape
If there are more than 1 cal rides stored in the unit, then they should both be available in the 4 Mile Ride list, which is the old name for a Calibration Ride. (I've changed the name to Calibration Ride for the next build of the iBike SW to avoid confusion.) So if your second ride is not available in the list of calibration rides, there must be something wrong with the data in the unit. I have observed myself that there is a bug in the device FW if you abort a calibration ride by holding down the up arrow instead of using the center button, so perhaps that is the problem. I've put in a bug report for the FW.

Note that the section you are talking about in the iBike SW is if you are doing a calibration ride with a DFPM power meter. If you are simply doing a calibration ride and did the estimated CdA function in the device, you don't need to process the calibration using the iBike SW on your PC. Likewise, the device FW handles a single coast-down plus calibration ride. You would only need to process the calibration ride in the iBike SW if you do multiple coast-downs or if you use a DFPM power meter.