Cadence Errors

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Cadence Errors

Post by phelgar »

I have noticed that my cadence gets clipped in the ibike 2 software anytime I perform a rapid acceleration or achieve a high cadence. Review of the downloaded file shows that the higher cadence is not there. The max cadence is shown correctly in the ibike, but does not get downloaded. Does anyone else have this problem?
Max cadence ibike & software discrepancy
Max cadence ibike & software discrepancy
web-ibike-cadence.jpg (190.3 KiB) Viewed 3168 times
Posts: 71
Joined: Sat May 31, 2008 3:57 pm

Re: Cadence Errors

Post by alback »

Is your iBike set to record at 1 second or 5 seconds? When set at 5 seconds it sets the average into the log. Perhaps this is the case?

I can't imagine being able to spin at 165 cadence, wow that is high? My highest cadence is about 120-130.

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Joined: Thu Jun 12, 2008 3:21 pm

Re: Cadence Errors

Post by phelgar »

I have been informed that the ibike has a filter that clips high rpms as error spikes. This may be fixed in future updates. My ibike is set to read at 1 sec. Note the analog nature of the other readings. My rpms get clipped even if there is a gradual build-up of speed. None of the photos show analyzed readings, so also note the power differences betweem the unit and the software. 169 rpm registers as 150 rpm in the software though I would venture to gues that these readings represent two different points in the ride. The associated power is elevated to 1758 watts in the software from 1647 on the unit. (1711 analyzed) 135 rpm registers as 128 rpm in software and associated power is 784 watts in software verses 765 in the unit. I'm not sure what is going on, but I assure you that the roads are smooth to be able to spin at high rpms.
130 rpm  1758 watts
130 rpm 1758 watts
169rpm.jpg (143.13 KiB) Viewed 3056 times
130 rpm
130 rpm
135rpm.jpg (151.13 KiB) Viewed 3054 times
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