Migrating from defunct iBike Newton to Wahoo Bolt and beyond

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Migrating from defunct iBike Newton to Wahoo Bolt and beyond

Post by longinthetooth »

I don't really understand the interconnections needed to use the Ibike Newton replacement, ie, Powerpod or Aeropod.

It was so very much more straight forward with just a single device to do the sensing, algorithic calulations, display and subsequent dowload to the associated Winows based Issac.

So, I have purchased a Wahoo Bolt and Wahoo TickR HR chest belt using the ibike combined cadense/speed sensor, that has taken over a month due to problems with Wahoo supply, ie, nothing locally, so had to order direct, and they were overloaded.

The 'Bolt' requires a smart phone (I use an Android)to even do the simple charging and basic setup, now completed. But I had no idea how to do even the simpliest things, the wahoo online support is awful, even the start up doesn't explain the buttons, their purpose or use, eg, how to turn the Bolt on/off or how to charge it. Now done.

But how do you download ride files, I think Wahoo calls them 'workouts''? When I paired to my Android, I can see the workouts on my Android, but have no idea how to download them to Isaac? The word 'download' isn't part of the Wahoo vocab! It seems the wahoo app will share a workout with lots of other app, but Isaac isn't one on their list! Also my Isaac is on my Windows desktop, a lot easier to read and assess a ride file on a desktop sized screen.

I don't know how to remove the ride files(workouts) from either the Bolt or Android, searching Wahoo help isn't helpful!


I think this whole new world that Velocomp have chosen needs a schematic showing the interconnections, between all the various hardware devices and the associated software, apps and applications, together with some setup and operational explanation.

I haven't even got as far as the ibike hardware, and no intention of going there yet!
Velocomp CEO
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Re: Migrating from defunct iBike Newton to Wahoo Bolt and beyond

Post by Velocomp »

We have enough of our own problems; diagramming how to deal with the problems of other devices would be mind boggling!!! ;)

I have no idea how the "Bolt" works. I don't know how to download their workouts.

I agree with you that Wahoo online troubleshooting has issues.

The process for downloading rides into Isaac remains unchanged. If the Bolt is guiding you through workouts, then you can see your power data from the workouts in Isaac.
John Hamann
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Re: Migrating from defunct iBike Newton to Wahoo Bolt and beyond

Post by longinthetooth »

Wahoo Bolt doesn't tell one how to download their work outs.

They appear to get copied to their Android 'ELEMNT' app by Bluetooth, but from there it seems the only way one can save them is to share them with another app, and Isaac isn't one of those listed?

This doesn't appear to be limited to their Bolt model, rather all models that require the ELEMNT app.

Regarding the schematic, I hadn't intended it to mean a different one for every model, rather conceptually. Velocomp need their devices to intergrate. If you buy a TV, it will include such a schematic of integrating it with a set top box, recorder, different signal sources, camera, storage, etc
Velocomp CEO
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Re: Migrating from defunct iBike Newton to Wahoo Bolt and beyond

Post by Velocomp »

ANT+ is the unifying principle behind devices from different manufacturers. Our devices conform to the ANT+ standard, and each manufacturer (including us) needs to describe how to pair their devices to other ANT+ devices. We do this in our illustrated instructions.

Our products don't "read" workouts from other apps or ANT+ devices, nor does any other power sensor, for that matter. Workouts are provided by bike computers; devices such as ours provide the power sensor data used by them.

If you want to try some great workouts, download and use our PowerHouse Bike app for iOS or Android!
John Hamann
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