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Isaac fails at Newton download

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 4:52 pm
by texmurphy
I downloaded from my Newton after a ride today. There was no irregularities during the ride, the Newton transmitted power data to my Edge 520 with no failures. There was a 20 minute cafe stop during which the Newton did not power down nor say it lost any sensors and the Edge 520 did an autopause.
I started Isaac and it found the Newton and began auto-download. I as usual said to erase the Newton when download complete.

Isaac said it downloaded the 56 mile HiDef ride yet reported zero miles with all values either zero or NaN. See Isaac fail.jpg image. The saved .ibr file is 2k and empty. I attempted to merge a tcx from the Edge 520 and got a LabVIEW Memory fault error. See attached image.

Both Isaac and Newton seem ok at this time. I regret telling the download to erase the Newton.

Do I need to reload Isaac and LabVIEW?
Do I need to reload Newton firmware?

Newton firmware 5.18 Isaac 5.0.1
Isaac fail.jpg
Isaac fail.jpg (112.69 KiB) Viewed 3228 times
LabVIEW Mem Fault.jpg
LabVIEW Mem Fault.jpg (41.83 KiB) Viewed 3228 times

Re: Isaac fails at Newton download

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 11:51 pm
by Velocomp
Most likely is that there is a problem in the ride file memory.

If you can't download this file then you should erase Newton memory. You will lose the ride file but will restore the integrity of the ride file database.