PC runs out of memory in analysing files

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PC runs out of memory in analysing files

Post by mttvrtn »

Apols if this has been covered elsewhere, but I couldn't find anything related...

I rode 180k with PowerStroke enabled. The data downloaded OK to my PC and I was able to look at the file.

However, Isaac seems to have gone into a loop where I can't download any new files or quit the current file (it's reloaded after I quit) since Isaac crashes during the "Processing PowerStroke Data" progress status. Also, I was able to Analyse iBike Settings and Wind, but not Route. That's where it crashed/reset/started looping.

The error msg is that I need to allocate more memory to the application. I've tried searching the LabView help, but that's a bit opaque. So I haven't tried that (it might solve the problem).

Has anyone seen this for a large file? Can anyone help me pls?


Error msg
Error msg
Screenshot 2014-03-07 08.26.10.png (6.02 KiB) Viewed 3701 times
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Re: PC runs out of memory in analysing files

Post by travispape »

Sometimes that out of memory error is misleading and the root problem is something other than memory; however, in this case since the ride is so long perhaps it is an accurate error message for your computer. You might try freeing up memory by rebooting, quitting other running applications including things running in your system try, or changing your virtual memory settings. If none of that works, email me your ride file (tpape at velocomp) and I will take a look and will help you get out of the cycle.

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Re: PC runs out of memory in analysing files

Post by mttvrtn »

Travis. thanks for your help. That solved the problem.

Matt, next time, mate, RTFM :-)
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