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Corrupted Rides Inside iBike

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:26 am
by gregh3285
This morning I'm trying to download the files off my iBike for five rides. While my iBike says "Log 76% Full", I get one ride in the list to download in iBike for Windows -- its shown as "iBike_07_10_2010_0151_-187978378019288845000000000000000000_Miles.csv". This is a bit devestating given that I race twice a year and one of the rides that should be in my iBike is the race on Saturday morning. I've tried hard reseting my iBike and restarting iBike for Windows. Neither seem to work. Are there any other tricks or utilities that I might try? My iBike has always been rock solid, so this was a bit of a shock. I'm running iBike for Windows 4.0.4. I have a Gen III iPro with firmware version 4.20. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Corrupted Rides Inside iBike

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:30 am
by gregh3285
As a further piece of diagnostics, the corrupted ride inside the iBike looks (from a Wind, HR and elevation perspective -- but not from a power perspective) like the last ride that I had gotten off my iBike. I downloaded data on 6/30 then cleared the iBike. The 36 mile ride on 6/30 (that's already on my PC) looks similar to the only ride that seems to be in my iBike. Rides from 7/1, 7/2, 7/3, 7/4 and 7/5 seem absent.

Re: Corrupted Rides Inside iBike

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:42 pm
by gregh3285
This is strange. Before emailing and calling people, I decided to try downloading the data one more time. Oddly, this time everything seems visible. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but for anyone who sees something like this in the future, it would appear that all hope is not lost. As an aside, one of the symptoms reported above was in error. It would seem that I didn't erase the iBike after the 6/30 ride. So, in the above report what would have been correct was that what I downloaded was something similar to the first ride in the iBike (without power info) and not the last ride before the erasure. I suspect there may be bug here somewhere but at least, in this case, it wasn't catastrophic. It's great to see the race data on my screen!

Re: Corrupted Rides Inside iBike

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 4:22 pm
by gregh3285
Today I saw an event with similar symptoms to what I originally posted. In this case, the only ride I had on my iBike was a long ride from last Friday afternoon. When I turned on my iBike to download the rides to my Window's software, the iBike reported a bad battery (voltage was later shown at 2.67 volts). iBike for Windows saw no ride files. The iBike itself showed (by pressing the total button) 0 percent full. Rather than fighting with the iBike, I pulled the battery and reset it. When it rebooted, it seemed to have found its wits. It also found a single 84 mile ride (as expected) intact in flash on the iBike. The difference between today and in July was that in July I did not see battery voltage/capacity issues (that I can remember).

My thanks to everyone at Velocomp for their wonderful support.

Re: Corrupted Rides Inside iBike

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:43 am
by Velocomp
If you've gotten your ride files out of your iBike, I'd suggest that you do a hard reset, then change your battery, then erase your ride files. This will clear your iBike's ride file system.