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After working fine, now iPro won't connect

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:39 pm
by aytchkay
I reviewed all the past posts concerning Windows XP computer not connecting to iBike. I have Gen3, downloaded firmware 4.00 and iBike3 software and drivers. All worked fine for several months, until the other day. I get messages saying 'iBike needs to use com port in range of 1-64. When I click ' DEVICE / CONNECT' I get <1>, COM 1, COM 3, LPT 1...and none of my USB ports seem to work.

I checked Device Drivers in 'system' and there is not the port from Silicon Labs... very frustrating! I cannot think of anything different I did that may have caused this. I also tried reinstalling the CP210x luck. It appears this is not uncommon and tech support may need to 'walk me thru this'...

HELP.... I love my great!!

in Chicago

Re: After working fine, now iPro won't connect

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 11:10 pm
by lungbuster
I find that I have to connect my USB and ibike before opening iB3. If I open iB3 then connect the USB and ibike I can not find the USB or data in the list.

Re: After working fine, now iPro won't connect

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 5:56 pm
by aytchkay
I tried to connect on another computer which has iBike 3 software..It worked!! but only for about 5 mins, then I got another 'connect problem' (<1>). Could this be my USB connector?
The cable which goes into the mount-part goes in and out a least 1/2 inch...could it be the USB cable/mount is bad? I see it's 75 bucks for a new one - I'd like to know for sure before I buy another.. What's an easy way to test it?

in chicago

Re: After working fine, now iPro won't connect

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:53 pm
by Velocomp
The <-1> indication means that your software isn't finding your USB adapter. If your cable is moving in and out of your plastic mount then most likely your USB adapter is bad.

Re: After working fine, now iPro won't connect

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 1:47 am
by rogerthepilot
I am unable to connect my iPro now to my laptop.
I get the <-1> error message.

What should I do?

Re: After working fine, now iPro won't connect

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 6:52 am
by Velocomp
When the <-1> message appears it means one of two things:

1) Your USB Adapter software is not installed


2) your USB adapter is no longer functioning properly

If your USB Adapter has worked properly previously, and you haven't changed anything in your computer (no program adds/deletes, configuration changes, etc.) then most likely the problem is 2).

Re: After working fine, now iPro won't connect

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 9:59 am
by rogerthepilot
The iBike unit stays on and does not shut itself down when connected to the usb device. Is this normal?

Re: After working fine, now iPro won't connect

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 10:01 am
by rogerthepilot
I have downloaded the driver software for Vista and clicked on the program and watched it load. I have rebooted. It appears to load.
Do I need to do something further.

Re: After working fine, now iPro won't connect

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 10:03 am
by Velocomp
Please contact Aaron Timmer in tech support,

Eureka! Repaired!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 10:59 am
by rogerthepilot
I am very pleased to report I took charge of the issue and opened up the iBike USB adapter and found two broken wires. I quickly soldered the leads and re-glued the two pieces together. Downloads now work again and all is well with the world. Note to self, don't stress or pull the bundled wire pack as there is no knotting of the lead internally to prevent such breakages.

Re: After working fine, now iPro won't connect

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 2:24 pm
by Velocomp
I'm glad you got your USB Adapter going again!

You're correct that it is not a good idea to pull on or twist the wire. That statement is true of almost anything electrical. :D

Re: After working fine, now iPro won't connect

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 12:28 pm
by jayt
Well, I had the same problem. I'm trying to save up for the Dash so spending $75 on keeping my iAero II functional is not what I want to be doing. So I took the plunge. The previous post did not say HOW they "opened it up". The only way I could see to get it open is to carefully saw it. Rather than take the clear cut approach of the previous poster, I decided to leave the two posts in tact, since being able to twist the thing on and off of the iBIke is important to it's function and I was afraid that simply gluing the housing back together with the clear cut would not allow it to survive the twisting motion. So, it is not pretty, but I too found two wires were broken, white & green. I'm not real adept at this sort of thing, but I did manage to get the two wires re-soldered without bridging to the neighboring pads. I am going to try to glue the cable so that it won't move in & out or twist (there is evidence that iBIke did this too), but it is a bit of a design challenge to make it robust. I guess 4 years of service is not too bad, but it would be nice if this were more robust. I think in my case it was not in & out motion, but twisting the cable that caused the failure. So indeed, treat these things gingerly. I am thankful to the previous post for giving me the courage to give it a try and thanks for the picture, I would not have known the wire order without the picture.
