Average Speed all over the place

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Average Speed all over the place

Post by wazza15 »

Something weird is going on with average speed on my last few rides - totally out of the blue. To begin with it will happily register correctly, and then shoot up to over 100kmh and then slowly settle back to a number that is much LESS than reality, then repeat the whole cycle. While this is going on all other real time averages are spot on accurate - including watts. When I download the file, the distance in the file name is some crazy long number, but the data itself shows correctly. Any ideas from anyone what might be causing this glitch? It isn't a total deal breaker (had so many little dramas in three years and three models of iBike that I'm philosophical about such things), but I would like to get it fixed.
Velocomp CEO
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Re: Average Speed all over the place

Post by Velocomp »

Please post a ride file.
John Hamann
Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Dec 08, 2008 2:53 pm

Re: Average Speed all over the place

Post by wazza15 »

Here are a couple of files that don't appear to illustrate anything except the file name has 150km listed in both cases when both trips (to and from work) were almost exactly 13km.
(110.19 KiB) Downloaded 404 times
(128.64 KiB) Downloaded 522 times
Velocomp CEO
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Joined: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:43 am

Re: Average Speed all over the place

Post by Velocomp »

I looked at your files.

I don't see any anomalous data glitches. However, in your commentary you mention that bike speed shoots up sporadically to 100km/h. The number is clearly wrong, but this implies you're viewing your iBike data during your ride in metric units. Is this correct?

I would do an Erase Ride command on your iBike, to get rid of possibly corrupt files residing in the iBike, then using setup, re-select the units (english/metric) you wish to see on your screen.

I would also check to make sure your speed sensor battery is fresh and that your speed sensor is situated properly with respect to the spoke magnet. If sensor placement or battery voltage are incorrect, then you'll get weird speed spikes.

Let us know if this fixes things. Every now and then we see this odd-file-name phenomenon but it would have nothing to do with any of the other issues you report.
John Hamann
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