Intervals on iPro

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Intervals on iPro

Post by MdC »

I am confused. When I upgraded from the genII to III, I went with the iPro in the understanding that the custom intervals would stil be supported. I based that understanding on this:
Customized Interval Training
Want to realize the amazing improvements available to you through interval training? The iPro allows you to upload customized intervals from your coach or download optional intervals available from iBike. Train with intervals based on your goals and then use the iBike2 ride analysis software to track your progress. You'll meet your goals or burst through your plateaus in no time!

Thats a quote from:

Now when I get the unit I find that they are in fact not supported but have the fitness test. I feel I have been misled. The main reason I have for the unit is to help me with intervals and I do not want to spend more money to get the iAero when the above page promised custom intervals.

John Hamann, I have sent you an email regarding this if you wish to discuss it off-forum.
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Re: Intervals on iPro

Post by Velocomp »

We made a mistake in our marketing materials. We should have updated this information (it was written for the original iBike) to reflect the changes in the Gen III iPro.

When we make product changes there are many documents we need to check and change as needed. We missed this change but we'll fix it today.
John Hamann
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Re: Intervals on iPro

Post by wellmt »

I thought they were going to be supported too. Then I thought I read on here somewhere that custom intervals were to be re-introduced onto the iPro in a firmware update sometime in the future? (edit: must have been dreaming can't find the link now) Are you saying this is definitely not the case John?

Is there anything anywhere about the fitness tests / training elements of the iPro?

Apart from this fact, the iPro is a great improvement.
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Re: Intervals on iPro

Post by Velocomp »

We thought the pre-programmed intervals would be of interest to most iPro owners but we're certainly not trying to take away a prior feature.

Look for a firmware update in the near future that will give the option for the standardized intervals or the custom programming of intervals.
John Hamann
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Re: Intervals on iPro

Post by MdC »

People talk about the customer service at Velcomp, and they are not kidding. John has set things straight. Having the custom intervals in ther iPro is a good idea. Thanks John.
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Re: Intervals on iPro

Post by donnybike »

I am also longing for the "Custom Interval" for iPro. In my opinion, "Custom Interval" is far better than the preset format. For instance, let’s say, in the Bicycling Magazine, the former Lance Armstrong coach, Chris Carmichael recommends a set of interval training to improve VO2Max power. Then, those who come across his article may like to try it.

Custom Interval function gives more freedom and flexibility in personal training!

IBike Gen III is a wonderful product!
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Re: Intervals on iPro

Post by riderofrohan »

I agree with bringing back custom intervals. I LOVE the fitness test though, especially if you are using Training Peaks, along with the book Training and Racing with a Power Meter by Allen and Coggan. A built in FTP test is awesome. A cool feature of the fitness test is the average watts displayed where the speed usually is while showing actual watts in the wattage screen. A small suggestion or improvement I would like to see is the same set up with custom intervals or in an interval mode. It would be great as you are hammering to see average watts on the same screen as real time watts which are always changing. Nitpicky I know...and I just have to push one button to see average watts...but it would be cool to really dial in your effort.
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Re: Intervals on iPro

Post by Velocomp »

Your patience shall be rewarded...
John Hamann
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Re: Intervals on iPro

Post by coachboyd »

ha ha, John is going to think I am making alters on here just to request features like that.
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Re: Intervals on iPro

Post by jim_s »

Sounds like the VC guys are on it, as usual, but I'll add my voice to the cacophony here. I've been stuck riding indoors for a while now, and just got my Gen III outside for a ride for the first time today - I was dismayed to find that despite having seemingly-successfully uploaded my intervals, I was unable to access them on the Gen III. Making the typically-safe assumption that it was a dumb-user thing, I actually read the instructions this evening and was blown away (not in a good way...) to find that intervals are no longer a feature on the 'Pro' level unit (and while I'm no pro, I don't envision any actual pro being satisfied with a pre-built interval called 'fat burning'. Plus, it brings back too many bad memories of being stuck on cheap hotel exercise room bikes while on business trips... :-)

Anyway, here's another vote for getting our interval feature back ASAP. No doubt the built-in stuff is good, but I'm fond of devising new ways of inflicting pain on myself and my friends on a regular basis, and the built-in trio of fat, cardio and strength routines aren't going to provide much long-lasting entertainment value.

Nice job on the Gen III overall though - just based on the one ride today, I'm thinking this was a very good investment!

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Re: Intervals on iPro

Post by coachboyd »

Remember though, it's not all about the hard intervals. If you do want hard intervals the ones in the "strength" section should do, especially if you do the fitness test beforehand because the intervals are based on a percentage of the actual watts you held for 20 minutes.

But the fat burning and cardio intervals have their place in training as well. There is a chapter in the booklet explaining why they are called fat burning and the benefits they have for you. In fact, I do race professionally and 90% of my time right now is spent doing "fat burning" rides, with some cardio and a little sub threshold (which os one of the intervals in the "strength" section. As the season goes on, I will progress more time towards cardio and strength stuff.

But to answer the original question, there are user defined intervals coming to the iPro very soon, and one other big surprise too!
Boyd Johnson - high performance carbon wheels and accessories
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