Saving wireless pairing information

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Velocomp CEO
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Joined: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:43 am

Saving wireless pairing information

Post by Velocomp »

We've had a few customers complain that they have been losing their wireless pairing codes. After investigating what we've discovered is that these customers had upgraded their iBikes to wireless but the pairing codes weren't stored in their profile. So, when these customers reloaded their old profile to the iBike, the wireless pairing information was lost!

If you have a new wireless mount make sure you do the following:

1) Since your mount is new, perform new coast downs and 4 mile calibration ride

2) Analyze your coast down data in the iBike 2 software using Profiles/Download Profiles and 4 Mile ride...

3) HERE'S THE CRITICAL STEP: Name your profile and click the "Accept & Send Profile to iBike" button. This does two things: 1) it sends your improved data to your iBike; 2) it saves your profile (including pairing codes) on your computer.

Now, if for some reason you should lose your pairing information you'll have the codes stored in your computer. Reload your profile and all should be well. (But remember that if you remove your sensor batteries the pairing code data will be lost).
John Hamann
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