Velocomp Aero vs Isaac

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Velocomp Aero vs Isaac

Post by TdeCampo »

Isaac is a great product and works as expected. Velocomp Aero (VCA)is another issue, I have been spending more time dealing with the AeroPod than riding since I have installed Velocomp Aero and I am at the point of just using Isaac. Some of the problems may be me, that I have not setup VCA correctly.

For example the following happened 3 times with 3 different calibration using windows 10 in 3 different computers all with VCA and Isaac installed.
1. All the basics are ok: speed sensor, cadence sensor, DFPM calibrated, HR monitor, paring with the Garmin 830.
2. I press the AP for 4 sec all is ok. I rode to the place to do the O&B calibration ride. I do it, all is OK.
3. I come home connect the AP, start VCA and click the click and all the new files show. I checked erased when done, and download and save: VCA does not allow me to download saying some of the files can not be downloaded because of an error. I could not find where the log is saying why the error. If I go to Isaac, not problem and the files are downloaded.
4. After Isaac download the files, then I can see them in VCA.

Update (08/20). I did more testing pairing and forcing calibration in prof #4. 3 files were created and one with "0" distance. This is likely the one that produce the error. When I went to the "store" folder the other two files were downloaded despite of the error. If this is all the time the case, the message should be change like " a file with "0" distance was not downloaded the other ones were OK.

Here another example. Profile #3 is setup as factory default. For what I understood reading the manual is that profile #4 is copied automatically to profile #3, in the past we had to do it manually.
Today I select #3 in VCA and when I went to ride, I could not, a solid red light was there. I try a hard reset (10 sec press and hold) turn off AP and restart and the solid red came up indicating that I have the profile in factory default which I did, expecting that profile 4 was going to be copied.
It could be something I did but....

Update (08/20) in one of the computers Profile #4 was OK and when I look at profile #3 it had a copy of profile #4 which is great. The other computer did not behave the same.
Here what I think it would be a good way to do it but it does not work.
a- I export a prof#4.
b- I reset to factory default Prof #4 and prof #3..
c- I import the profile #4 that I have exported to profile #4 in the device. OK
d. When I look at profile #3 is should have a copy of the profile #4 that I just imported but it does not, it contains the factory default.

If finally I have profile #3 working (It did one time after many attempts) and knowing that if I do paring (click and hold for 4 sec) a re-calibration will be mandatory. So this is profile #3, what is going to happens with profile #4 which has been copied into prof #3? Is profile #4 will be updated with the new calibration in profile #3? or the new calibration in profile #3 will be removed the next ride because Profile #3 will get a copy #4?

Update (08.20) probably the best is to use only one: the VA aero and ignore Isaac, going back and forth is a little messy and may create more confusion than help so I reverse my initial though and I will ignore Isaac. The aeropodCdA is not work at the present time for time advantage because in a climb the CdA freezes because the slow speed but the time advantage continue running (there is another post where this problem is already discussed) so I will use the aeropod garmin up for both Prof #4 and prof #3

Sorry for this convoluted post but I still do not have a good handle with all the new changes to be more specific with each problem

The Garmin CdA app works very well.

The iphone VA app works excellent

I appreciate any tips or experience from users having similar issues.
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Re: Velocomp Aero vs Isaac

Post by Velocomp »

I apologize for the very long time to reply.

VA is still in beta, so your comments are helpful.

I will forward your posting to the VA developer
John Hamann
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Re: Velocomp Aero vs Isaac

Post by Velocomp »

Velocomp wrote: Thu Aug 29, 2024 1:19 pm I apologize for the very long time to reply.

VA is still in beta, so your comments are helpful.

I will forward your posting to the VA developer
Comments from our developer:

1) In AeroPod, when a cal ride is done in P4, the results are automatically copied over into P3. The automatic profile copying happens ONLY after a cal ride

2) For the failed downloads, if any files can't be downloaded, the VA download dialog stays on the screen, says that *some* of the files couldn't be downloaded, and shows you which ones still haven't been downloaded. Sometimes trying the download again will fix it. Sometimes it's a corrupt file in the PP/AP. I'm pretty sure that Isaac just quietly ignores corrupt files (at least some kinds of corruption), so I think the only difference between VAero and Isaac is that VAero tells you there was a problem, and Isaac does not.
John Hamann
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Re: Velocomp Aero vs Isaac

Post by Velocomp »

There may be a bug in VA. We are investigating.
John Hamann
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Re: Velocomp Aero vs Isaac

Post by Velocomp »

Velocomp wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 7:42 pm There may be a bug in VA. We are investigating.
We are releasing v 0.37, which hopefully will get rid of the file download bug. Let us know!
John Hamann
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Re: Velocomp Aero vs Isaac

Post by Velocomp »

We just released 0.38, which adds another level of bug fix. Let us know if it works.
John Hamann
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