iSport and Battery life -bad after 5 hours

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iSport and Battery life -bad after 5 hours

Post by EBoyle »

I am a new iSport user, and I have the wireless version. I have calibrated it and did a fitness test as well. I am enjoying riding with it, with the exception of a battery issue I am having.

I rode approximately 5 hours total time and got a bad battery message! This was riding in 80 degree plus weather, so I would have expected much more life out of the battery. The voltage showed well below the threshold and I was getting crazy wattage readings. Well I figured that one of the batteries that shipped with the unit may have been old, so I replaced both batteries. Another 5 hours of riding and another failed battery test. I went on my ride and then got a battery low message. This time the unit seems to work fine, returning wattage figures that seemed correct. I just looked at the battery screen and it shows 252-4 volts, and I installed it a week ago. (I don't know how long this battery sat on the store shelf as it did not have a date stamp). Looking through the forum I saw posts about units that did not shut off, but mine does go into sleep mode when it should.

Is this a problem with the iSport unit I have? Should I have to set up an external battery riding in an East coast Summer with average temps in the 80s?

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated! I am going to try a third set of batteries. Also can someone suggest a good online source for these 2032 batteries?


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Re: iSport and Battery life -bad after 5 hours

Post by racerfern »

In warm weather you should be able to ride for days and days with the same battery. Before you throw batteries at the unit, check both the wireless head and the unit battery AFTER you have the problem. See which one is draining down more than the other, then contact Velocomp for help.

The batteries sold at the iBikestore are excellent quality and reasonably priced. You'll certainly need a few for cold Northeast winters but with summer in full swing battery life should not be a problem.
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Re: iSport and Battery life -bad after 5 hours

Post by jparker »

I actually had the same problem and it was the wireless mount. It would drain the battery in the mount and the unit within a 1/2 a day when I used it. On a day that I didn't ride the mount battery, which was brand new, would be completely dead by the next day and the iBike computer was still good. I actually went and bought a volt meter so I could check the voltage of the battery so when I changed the mount battery I could make sure that I hadn't used a bad battery and that the batteries were being drained by the mount. So once I realized that the mount was the issue I contacted velocomp and they replaced it under warranty. (Great customer service :!: ) I would try and narrow down which one is causing the battery drain and then contact iBikes customer service and they will take of it. Not sure if this is what is happening to you but it sounds like the mount is draining your batteries as it did mine.
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Re: iSport and Battery life -bad after 5 hours

Post by EBoyle »

Thanks for the replies. I put a fresh battery in the iSport this morning and did not get the bad battery message. I am going to remove the iSport from the mount just to be sure. If it is the mount I am going to order a stem mount anyway. If not I'll contact customer service. Hmm I actually do have a volt meter around somewhere...

BTW great ride today - iSport worked like a charm.

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Re: iSport and Battery life -bad after 5 hours

Post by EBoyle »

Update: After installing the fresh battery on 7/4 I did'nt have a chance to ride again that week, the next ride - dead batteries. Changed out the batteries and took the iSport off the mount. Worked ok this past week, however this past weekend - I got the low battery message (252 v) and it wouldn't even function as a trip computer. I even wetn to the battery screen and turned it off Thursday - dead by Saturday. Time to contact customer service.
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Re: iSport and Battery life -bad after 5 hours

Post by Velocomp »

Yep, time for a bit of help.

Send your iSport and mount to us and we will sort it out.
John Hamann
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