Going from Windows to Mac

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Going from Windows to Mac

Post by AndrewK »

Hi All

I have gone to a Mac from Windows.

Installed the software without a hitch, the iBike connects without a problem. I have copied all my rides over.

All good BUT how do I move my calibration from Windows to the Mac. I can't seem to download the calibration from the iBike either.

Help please!


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Re: Going from Windows to Mac

Post by wellmt »

I think under the Profiles->Edit profiles menu option you can export and import profiles. Export from your PC and import on your Mac?
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Re: Going from Windows to Mac

Post by AndrewK »


Tried that but despite pointing it to the file on the Win machine, it was grayed out on the Mac and therefore not able to be imported.


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Re: Going from Windows to Mac

Post by lorduintah »

Try naming the profile file after it is transferred to the Mac. (Do a get info from the finder or highlight the file and command-i.)

You may not be getting the extension and thus the software will not recognize it. (The extension to add to the file is: .ibp) (dot-i-b-p)
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Re: Going from Windows to Mac

Post by spec_chisel_2018 »

Hello Guys.
Sorry to bring this topic back. But has this been adressed?
I have moved from windows to Mac. Installed Isaac on MacBook Pro and driver. everythings workin fine, I've also copied all my ride and cal ride over to the Mac doc/ibike folder.
but every time Y connect my Powered, Isaac wants to begin all over again, with device setup.
John please help, how do I get everything over to my Mac, without having to do anything back again.
Happy to hear soon from you.

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Re: Going from Windows to Mac

Post by Velocomp »

Go through the Device/Setup steps in Isaac. On the final screen, click the "Keep current calibration" settings option.
John Hamann
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