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Powerpod and coast down

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 10:08 pm
by sbrandon

I've been trawling through the online documentation regarding coast-downs and I am confused about how to get coast downs to be recognised by Isaac.

My setup:
- PowerPod, current firmware
- no DFPM

Today's exercise:
- forced PP calibration ride (5 mins out, 5 back). This completed successfully.
- then, on the same ride, did about 26 coast-downs, testing out several different riding positions as a proof of concept. I think it was 10x on the hoods, 10 drops, 5 tops, then a final drops.
- came home and plugged the PP into Isaac.
- downloaded but didn't delete the rides from the PP

What I see:
- there are 3 ibr rides. 1 for before the calibration, 1 for the calibration, and a 41km ride with all the coast downs
- when I go into Device/Setup/Download Coast-Downs and Calibration Ride, I first get a message saying "Note that this function is not used with the iBike Dash products. Connect your iBike unit to the USB cable and turn it on". My PP is attached to USB and turned on.
- I "ok" that
- then I get the coast-down/cal panel
- it downloads the cal ride from the PP and displays it
- however, the "Coast-Downs" tab is grayed-out and disabled. The "iBike and DFPM" tab is enabled. The Step 1 dropdown shows the correct calibration ride.
- but step 2 (select DFPM data source) is impossible to get past, as it is requiring a power meter file from somewhere. But I don't have one.

1 - I feel like I have missed something about how to trigger the coast downs to get specifically saved in the PP. From the manual, it appears there may be a button to press if you have a Newton, but the PP doesn't have this - or does it? Maybe you can tap or hold the button or something?
2 - Is there anything else I can do to get to the Coast Downs tab? Is this triggered by finding Coast Down files in the PP, or by something else?
3 - Is there anything I can do at this point to convert my ride file with the coast-downs in it, into something that the panel can process?
4 - I also realise I had my overall weight slightly wrong. Can I adjust that post-ride?

Other things I tried:
1 - In the main interface, I tried highlighting one of the coast-down portions once cadence had reduced to 0, then selected "Tools/CdA Analysis on selection". I reduce the smoothing to 1 second. When I highlight any portion of the graph, I get a straight-line consistent 0.363.
2 - Doing the same as #1, but selecting the entire file, I start to see some movement in the CdA graph at all the times when there's 0 cadence. Interestingly, it only shows something other than the "standard" 0-point of 0.363 for about the first 3/4 of each coast-down. Then it re-centres on 0.363 again. So this is the closest I have to something that looks like a coast-down analysis, but I am not sure how much it is influenced by the 0.363 figure that I think is part of the profile.

I've enclosed the calibration and coast-down ride files.
Some of the rides have some traffic going past. The 1st 2 coast downs started at a little less than 40km/h; most of the rest are above.

Thanks for any assistance