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Edge 1000 auto sleep

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 2:41 pm
by RoadCycleNut
recently done two sportives and on both occasions lost connection to the PP at the first feed station when auto sleep occurs. When you wake up the Garmin the PP is there for a while but no data received then it eventually turns off. Speed and cadence sensor working ok. On the last ride I powered down the Garmin after the finish and when I started it up again there was the PP working again. I've turned the auto sleep off and have a long ride with stop tomorrow so will see if I actually get my first long ride with data for the whole ride (if it isn't the auto sleep it's a battery fail after 6 hours). This is its last chance before I send it back for a refund....too temperamental for my liking.
Anyone else experienced this?

Re: Edge 1000 auto sleep

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 6:40 pm
by BBQcyclist
If you stop for more than 15-20 minutes, your PP will shut off.

My Garmin Edge 1000 will wake up after say ' a 30 minute break ... but ... I'll have to once again press that "on" button on the PP ... - - after having woke up the speed cadence sensors of course. Othrrwise .. no power signals sent to Garmin head unit.

Perhaps a PITA, but it is what it is. :(

I'll let John chime in case he has any additional Edge 1000-specific info

Re: Edge 1000 auto sleep

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 6:54 pm
by Velocomp
To preserve battery life the PP powers down after 20 minutes of zero movement.

So, if you take a long break then yes, you need to press the PP button to reawaken it. But you don't have to wake up your speed/cadence sensors first. If you reawaken the PP before your other sensors, the PP light will flash green while it awaits the reawakening of your speed sensor.

Re: Edge 1000 auto sleep

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 3:22 am
by RoadCycleNut
Yep I realise the PP goes to sleep and I do press the button and get the flashing lights but still no go. As it happens the last two events were basically walk through feed stations so the stop would have been around 5 minutes. Will see what happens today after the cafe stop with auto sleep disabled.

Re: Edge 1000 auto sleep

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 7:38 pm
by Darkstar
Sounds like the problem that I have had with the 820. I get dropped connections/no power/intermittent power if the Garmin is awake before the powerpod & this seems to happen with the Garmin "sleep" as well as the routine required when the Garmin has been fully turned off. John has established that this doesn't happen to him though.
Hopefully disabling auto-sleep will fix it.