Powerpod calibration check request

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Powerpod calibration check request

Post by Sobek »

Hi everyone,

First post on this forum although I've had my Powerpod for a while now and I've been lurking on the forum for a few weeks. I've only recently started riding more with the PP and it seems to work well for my own usage scenarios. I am aware of the limitations and happy with it for what it is and what it is designed to do. I think there is certainly potential for improvement, but as it stands I like it so far.

I am still getting acquainted with Isaac and reading through the information on this forum, but I've been hesitant to tweak things from my calibration rides and basically did the OB calibration and just used Isaac to look at the data without further tweaking the profile.

I do not have a previous power benchmark to compare the figures I am getting from the PP against. Would a more experienced member of the forum perhaps be so kind to have a look at the attached ride profile and tell me if things look alright?

Thanks in advance!
This is the latest ride file.
(376.36 KiB) Downloaded 165 times
(179.88 KiB) Downloaded 163 times
(405.13 KiB) Downloaded 166 times
Velocomp CEO
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Re: Powerpod calibration check request

Post by Velocomp »

You're a strong rider!

All your rides look fine; the thing I look at is wind speed. If it's comparable to bike speed (it is in all your ride files) then you are OK.

Watts are consistent, too, from ride to ride.
John Hamann
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Re: Powerpod calibration check request

Post by Sobek »

Thank you, John. That's good to know. Thanks for the tip on wind speed vs wheel speed too (and the Velocomp YouTube channel's videos are great).

One more question: If I run the "Analyze route" command on the original (50km) file the average power is reduced by about 4%:


If I run the "Check calibration" command on the same (unmodified) file, the power figures are reduced even more:


I am not sure if I should be using these commands to further tweak a "Best accuracy" calibration, or maybe I should leave things as they are for now?

More information:

I am riding a CX bike (Felt F65x) with 35C Continental CX Speed tires @ 65psi
Rides are a mix of asphalt roads and gravel roads. The ride in question is over 90% asphalt.
Riding on the hoods 95% of the time
Velocomp CEO
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Re: Powerpod calibration check request

Post by Velocomp »

Isaac re-processes the data stored in the ride file. Isaac algorithms are similar but not identical to on-board PP algorithms. This accounts for the difference.

The analyze commands in Isaac are helpful when ride files are clearly wrong.

You are getting good results so I would just leave things alone.
John Hamann
Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Sep 16, 2018 9:06 pm

Re: Powerpod calibration check request

Post by Sobek »

Noted. Many thanks again, John.
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