suddenly too low watts? is PP ok?

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suddenly too low watts? is PP ok?

Post by kdx200 »

ive been using the PP with no problems till two weeks ago. Perhaps iam being TOO WEAK, but dont think so as the speed and my running are ok.
Today i was very fresh and went to ride to check the numbers (last week was the first time the numbers were low, but i dont payed so much attention) . I was paying attetion to to the power numbers (not the early 8 minuntes but for the real workout).. i was feeling strong and i think (using a power meter for a year) "i know me".
The effort and my legs were doing a good effort and the power numbers were always below the 200w zone. Impossible to maintain a 200w for example for a 30 second... i know i can do it without "much effort"... impossibleeee.
So, i deciced to ride and do my ride with no numbers and only my heart rate....
At the end (i think beyond the 50kilometer) i return to the power numbers and see "new" numbers... like something/PP was fixed and showed numbers "more realistic". Since the track is a "circle" and the weather conditions were "the same" i dont know what is going on with my PP.
Can you, please, check the file and tell me what is going on?

thank you very much in advance,
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Velocomp CEO
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Re: suddenly too low watts? is PP ok?

Post by Velocomp »

Your setup is for a TT bike. Is this correct?

Also, since you're doing loops, your average wind should be the same as your average bike speed. It's not (wind is low), so I adjusted your profile accordingly.

Adjusted ride file and profile are attached.
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John Hamann
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Re: suddenly too low watts? is PP ok?

Post by kdx200 »

yes, its a tt bike.
yes, the whole file is about 85-90% doing loops.

for my learning..... did you "analyze wind" to get this corrections? now the numbers are more close to my perception.

also, did you notice something in the late kilometers? i remember feeling the numbers were ok or near ok.

now sending this profile to the PP.

thank you very much.
Velocomp CEO
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Re: suddenly too low watts? is PP ok?

Post by Velocomp »

I extracted your profile, then manually adjusted Wind Scaling until your wind speed was about equal to your bike speed.
John Hamann
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Re: suddenly too low watts? is PP ok?

Post by kdx200 »

John, with your correctd profile sent to the PP, today i rode a 100k+.

i think its ok or near ok. in some part of the file i saw a weird number such as a "negative" kmh headwind... is it possible?

do you see something wrong?

the ride was near 90% straight lines in a route (go and back 50k+50k)

thank you
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Velocomp CEO
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Re: suddenly too low watts? is PP ok?

Post by Velocomp »

It looks like you rode in really windy conditions. I can see tail winds, head winds, and cross winds.

Your net average wind for the entire out-and-back 100Km ride was -0.8 km/h. I think this is fine; wind conditions will change some on any long ride.

Negative head wind means a slight tail wind.
John Hamann
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