Newton not recording DFPM power

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Newton not recording DFPM power

Post by brookside »

I've been using my Newton with both a Powertap wheel, on two bikes, and a Quarq Dzero on another. On two of my last 3 rides, one with Quarq and the other with Powertap GS, I went through a manual calibration of the DFPM using a Powertap Joule GPS unit and all looked fine. DFPM power was turned on in the Newton setup screen, and using the "find sensors" routine the Newton reported it found the speed/cadence, heart rate, and DFPM sensors. During the rides it looked liked I was seeing DFPM power (DFPM and Newton power have different behaviors, such as what happens initially when soft pedaling at higher speeds). But when I downloaded the rides to Isaac there was no "View DFPM" button, the DFPM data apparently lost. The ride files are attached.

Two questions:
1) Are the DFPM data recoverable?
2) What happened?
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