How/when Newton reports DFPM reading?

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How/when Newton reports DFPM reading?

Post by brookside »

Did a ride today with a DFPM but I wanted to see Newton data during ride so turned off DFPM in Setup. A few minutes into ride I noticed the Newton was reporting Calories instead of Cadence in the lower screen, and then saw my cadence magnet on crank wasn't there, but I was getting power readings on the Newton, and they made sense. I thought the Newton had to read both speed and cadence to compute power, so then I assumed it was reading the DFPM as a default because the Newton couldn't compute power. When I got home and downloaded the ride file to Isaac, it showed power but didn't have the "view DFPM" box, just like when a DFPM isn't present.

So where did the power reading come from? I've attached the ride file in case it's helpful.
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Velocomp CEO
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Re: How/when Newton reports DFPM reading?

Post by Velocomp »

All is well. Newton/PowerPod does not require cadence to measure power. The cadence sensor is an enhancement that aids with high-speed downhill efforts.

What you saw, and what you recorded, was Newton power. Your Newton is very nicely calibrated!
John Hamann
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Re: How/when Newton reports DFPM reading?

Post by brookside »

Hmmm. The power readings during the ride were less jumpy (using DPS) and a better fit to my perceived effort than as is usual when viewing Newton power. Not using a cadence sensor may be an enhancement.

A related question, when a DFPM is present but when "DFP display" is turned "off" in Setup will the dfpm data still be recorded by the Newton and then visible in Isaac?
Velocomp CEO
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Re: How/when Newton reports DFPM reading?

Post by Velocomp »

DPS is what made your readings more stable. Cadence sensor has no effect.

Yes, DFPM data is recorded, even when DFPM display is turned off. You'll see both in Isaac.
John Hamann
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