Noob checking in

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Psycho Mike
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Noob checking in

Post by Psycho Mike »

Hi gang,

Just thought I would check in to say hi.

I'm a new user of a PowerPod Lite. Got my unit, flashed it to the latest firmware, finally got the snow to let up and jumped through the hoops to get an initial calibration done. Numbers are a little higher than I expected (though I hadn't adjusted the rider parameters on my smart trainer I got this year, so it was likely reading low) and I only saw a short ride coming back from my O&B ride area... I suspect the exuberance of getting on my road bike outside (vs. the bike I use on the trainer) may contribute a bit too.

I've also had to change HRMs (my old one died) and I'll have to try to pair it to the PP in the future (unless someone knows an easy way to enter sensor numbers into my rider profile on Isaac). Wouldn't mind having HRM, cadence and speed sensor all paired in....better input = better output, right? :)

I'll get in some longer rides and see if things settle down a goal is to have some useful power zones for training, "holding the line" on my long distance rides (I will do several solo Metric centuries each year...trying to get it under 3:30 solo) and get a "set point" for climbing I can use for my big charity ride every year and my annual Banff-Jasper ride so I don't blow up.

I'm sure I'll have questions, but for now, I'm just checking in.
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Re: Noob checking in

Post by Velocomp »

Have fun, and let us know when we can help!
John Hamann
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