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CdA setting overrides Cad. Feature or glitch

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 6:04 am
by Zoltan
1. CdA is off, Cad is off => cadence as rpm never appears, just HR as bpm

2. CdA is on, cad is off.
a) when I am cruising at low speed, so CdA data are not displayed => cadence is not displayed, just HR
b) at higher speeds when CdA date are displayed, then ALSO cadence data is displayed (as a sidenote not depending whether it is 0 or not).

This phenomenon is quite similar to when filtering setup overrides the DFPM setting reported at

I can make and send videos if support (still) cannot reproduce any of these two phenomena.

No nagging, just perfectionism :-)

Re: CdA setting overrides Cad. Feature or glitch

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:26 am
by Velocomp
CdA is displayed whenever cadence is zero for more than 15 seconds.

It sounds like the "CdA on" function causes Cad to display.

We will take note of this.

Re: CdA setting overrides Cad. Feature or glitch

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:32 am
by Zoltan

As a sidenote the 15 seconds rule you mentioned applies only to snapshot CdA, doesnt it?
I have a Newton+, so continuous CdA is available, too. Moreover I have a Powertap, too. Thus I can pedal and CdA is shown provided my speed reaches some limit that I dont remember now. It is why I mentioned that cadence is shown after CdA and time advantage indepently whether it is zero or not.

Re: CdA setting overrides Cad. Feature or glitch

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 3:42 pm
by entwistlejon

I have Newton with the Powerstroke upgrade. It my my understanding that the Powerstroke key comes with the "snapshot CdA" feature.

However, I cannot for the life of me find how to set the "snapshot CdA" feature. I've read as many Blogs one can before self-imploding and navigated through the "racr" settings but on my Newton there is no "CdA" option to set. Am I losing the plot?

Any help, advice, clarity would be greatly appreciated.

Re: CdA setting overrides Cad. Feature or glitch

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 5:11 pm
by Russ
Hi entwistlejon,

Make sure:
1. change racer to yes in the setup
2. scroll to CdA and make it yes.
note you must scroll in the correct direction.
after setting racer to yes, hit the up arrow until you get to CdA


Re: CdA setting overrides Cad. Feature or glitch

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 8:46 am
by entwistlejon
Thanks Russ, much appreciated.

I've carefully navigated through the racer menu as you suggested and I don't get CdA as an option (and I checked the order of the functions against the latest instruction manual). I was under the impression that the Powerstroke upgrade would give me this option but for some reason it clearly doesn't.

Do you concur?


Re: CdA setting overrides Cad. Feature or glitch

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 2:41 pm
by Velocomp
There are two ways to get PowerStroke information:

1) Purchase the iBike PowerStroke as a new unit

2) Purchase the PowerStroke upgrade key for your iBike Newton

The iBike PowerStroke upgrade key adds the PowerStroke upgrade to your iBike Newton. It does not add any additional feature, including CdA

The iBike PowerStroke product has all keys pre-installed, including the CdA key.

Re: CdA setting overrides Cad. Feature or glitch

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 4:18 pm
by entwistlejon
Understood. Thanks for clarifying.
