What do these terms mean and...

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Posts: 48
Joined: Tue May 05, 2015 7:03 am

What do these terms mean and...

Post by brookside »

..how do I deal with them in various ISAAC utilities like "Edit Profile"?
- Aero
- Wind Scaling
- Fric
- Riding Tilt

For example, if I want to adjust my CdA I have to choose to "Hold" either Aero or Wind Scaling. Which should I choose, and why?


P.S. Did you ever figure out why "Change Profile After Ride", when selecting exactly the same profile as was used during the ride, results in radically different watts than the original ride?
Velocomp CEO
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Re: What do these terms mean and...

Post by Velocomp »

We've just posted updated Isaac instructions. These will tell you how to modify wind scaling and Crr (you do not modify Aero, Fric and Riding Tilt)


No, we have no update on Change Profile After Ride
John Hamann
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Re: What do these terms mean and...

Post by brookside »

OK for not modifying Aero, Fric and Riding Tilt. But what is Wind Scaling and why would one modify it (instead of or in addition to CdA)?

I just looked through the new manual and all I could find on that was a statement on page 30 that says, after explaining modifying Crr, "In this same manner you can adjust CdA, riding tilt, and wind scaling factors." But it doesn't explain what wind scaling is or why it would be adjusted. Can you help me on this?
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